Okochi Memorial Hospita en いわき市

JapónOkochi Memorial Hospita



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Japan, 〒973-8402 福島県いわき市内郷御厩町3丁目96
contactos teléfono: +81 246-26-2588
sitio web: www.f-sakurahosp.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.0491439, Longitude: 140.8717389

comentarios 5

  • ケーズケース



    It would be nice if it was a little cleaner, but the reception was good. I got the impression that there were surprisingly many young people.

  • 野生のいちご



    I heard that when a friend's family died here and the family was called to the hospital, a nurse strongly urged the bereaved family to "bring the body away quickly."The family lived near the hospital. I don't think it will take long for him to arrive at the hospital since he has a house in the city, but he was told that he wasn't given the proper intravenous drip, and he was about to turn 90 three days before his birthday, so if he had an intravenous drip, his hopes for his birthday would have come true. Or can the hospital manipulate the date of death using an intravenous drip, etc.?

  • みぃみ



    Once you enter the nursing ward, it's the end. ○ will be done. My father, who was bedridden but healthy, came to this hospital and suddenly became unwell. The nurse's attitude was also cold and rough. The attitude towards a sick person who cannot move or speak cannot be called the attitude towards caring for a human being. It's like "handling" "things". I was told, ``You've been feeling unwell since the evening before,'' but if that's the case, what's the purpose of the emergency contact information? There's no point in contacting me after you've cooled down. Four years later, I still can't forgive myself. I really, really regret putting myself in this hospital.

  • 無神腕



    When I went to get the vaccine, I became worried because it was so dirty and dark inside. Still, everyone was kind and cheerful, so it was good. I'll go again if I have a cold. It might be faster and cheaper than a strangely over-the-top big hospital!?

  • 某俳優ろくちゃん(ろくちゃん)



    When I tried to go to the emergency department over the phone, they said, ``We can't see first-time patients because there's something that's been making headlines.'' What would you do if your regular patient was asymptomatic? The old lady who answered the phone wanted to hang up quickly, but said, ``There is a patient who has suddenly become ill right now...'' I've been under medical care ever since I was born, so I can tell if it's a lie or not! Don't lie, Baba. It's a model hospital that only provides closed-minded medical care.Therefore, it's not worth going to.

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