Okazaki South Hospital en Okazaki

JapónOkazaki South Hospital



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒444-0832 Aichi, Okazaki, Hane Higashimachi, 1-chōme−1−3
contactos teléfono: +81 564-51-5434
sitio web: www.okazakiminami-hp.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.926936, Longitude: 137.163209

comentarios 5

  • 芦田まな



    I was uncomfortable having the electrocardiogram performed by a man. Since many hospitals are staffed by women, I felt uncomfortable as they touched various parts of my body.

  • さゆ



    I went for plastic surgery. There are two television stations at each of the two waiting areas. Not only is it attached, I think it's good because it makes the sound so you can hear it. The doctor is very old, but I can trust him with his feet. It looks very detailed. However, the elderly nurse talks to me from above, which makes me feel uncomfortable. The prosthetist here is Yoshishi Matsumoto, and he is only open on Mondays from 3pm to 5pm. The inside of the hospital feels very old. It's been around for a long time, so I don't think it can be helped. By the way, some places are kept clean, and the toilets are clean.

  • ひなはるママ



    I received this because my husband had been complaining of a strange headache for several days before receiving it. However, there was only a corona test, no interview, no corona related information, and no palpation, and the result was dismissed as a ``migraine'' and only the corona test fee was taken. The next day, another illness was discovered at another hospital. Even though there were no coronavirus infected people around me, all I got was a coronavirus test and some headache medicine. It was a mistake to let him go because it was nearby. I won't let you go there again.

  • わんたそ



    I came into the hospital for a test because I came in close contact with the coronavirus. I was asked to call you when you came to the hospital, so I called the hospital, had to wait in the car for 30 minutes with a fever of just under 40 degrees, and arrived at the hospital 30 minutes later. I received a phone call. I think the communication on the other side probably wasn't conveyed properly. I understand that you are busy, but I had to wait in my car for over an hour in the extremely hot weather. The nurses' response after that was also sloppy. I work at a hospital, so I've seen the nurses' behavior, so I can understand it to some extent, but it was very cruel. The pharmacist was kind.

  • A T

    A T


    Anyone can watch it during the coronavirus pandemic. That's why I called my family doctor first thing in the morning, but I couldn't get through, so I was able to make an appointment the next afternoon. At the time of admission, the fever had subsided. I arrived at the designated time, collected the sample in the parking lot, and handed it over for an hour. There will be an interview from the teacher. I was told that it would take an hour to an hour and a half for the test results to come back, so I went back, went back, waited another hour in the car, got the results over the phone, and got the medicine, almost four hours later. If you're going to call your car, why not call your house? I thought. Even though I only had an interview, the consultation fee was more than 500 yen higher than that of a family member who had a face-to-face examination at another clinic. I made an appointment in a hurry when I had a fever, but now that I think about it, I should have taken the test at the public health center because I was a close contact and my symptoms had calmed down.

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