Okagean Aoi w Nagoya

JaponiaOkagean Aoi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3丁目-12-18 Aoi, Higashi Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 461-0004, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 52-936-0015
strona internetowej: www.komeda.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1727939, Longitude: 136.9315714

komentarze 5

  • M



    Okagean's 4th store. On the same site are the Komeda Coffee Head Office Building, Komeda Coffee Aoi Store, and Okagean. Found a kitchen car in the parking lot! We had retro spaghetti, zenzai, and matcha lemonade. The meal comes with a mug of water, which is nice. Personally, I like Komeda Coffee's Neapolitan flavor more than the thin-noodle retro spaghetti because it's slightly sweeter. Comes with salad and French bread. The zenzai had a very refined taste and was not too sweet, and the red beans were crunchy and delicious! The rice cake was baked just right. It seemed like there weren't enough employees, so I had to press the button twice each time to get someone to come. I didn't have any chopsticks, so I asked for them. It was delicious, but the customer service was disappointing ☆-1

  • ピー子



    There are Komeda Coffee and Okagean on the same premises. This time, I had a breakfast rice ball set at Okagean. The miso soup was quite lukewarm and the rice was soft. I appreciate the spacious table seating, but I was concerned about the crumbs falling on the chairs. (Komeda is there) The first time I tried the Oankichihichi (Obanyaki), it was delicious with lots of red bean paste and not too sweet. The menu was also sticky and had dirt on it, so since it's a restaurant, I would like them to be a little more careful about cleanliness. Thank you for the meal.

  • Amna Alsuwaidi

    Amna Alsuwaidi


    The coffee is delicious, sweet is safe for Muslims to eat, no alcohol. Kind staff.

  • Abe Mitsuaki

    Abe Mitsuaki


    A coffee shop abundant in Nagoya's local favorite food and Japanese confectionary menu. There are iron plate spaghetti and spaghetti, dumplings and mochi. There is a car park near the station.

  • Coco Hsu

    Coco Hsu


    So Good!

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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