Nagoya Tokyu Hotel Atrium Lounge Grindelwald w Nagoya

JaponiaNagoya Tokyu Hotel Atrium Lounge Grindelwald



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒460-0008 Aichi, Nagoya, Naka Ward, Sakae, 4-chōme−6−8 名古屋東急ホテル 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 52-251-6685
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1685072, Longitude: 136.9134735

komentarze 5

  • 山口朋子



    Take a break before dinner 𖠚ᐝ ・ On the 1st floor of Tokyu Hotel in Sakae, Naka Ward. atrium lounge I went to [Grindelwald]. ( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭⁾⁾ ・ What I received this time was ・ ◉Grindelwald Parfait Set 2700 yen June's parfait is Lady Cherry. Includes coffee or blended tea (Free refills) ・ Beautiful from the time I made the reservation in advance I thought it was a parfait, I was almost in love at first sight, The real thing is hotel quality as expected. It was gorgeous and very beautiful. ( ˊᵕˋ*)゚゚゚゚゚ ・ lime blancmange, Finished with chocolate mousse and cherry A parfait for adults with a scent of Western liquor. ・ Very light aftertaste It was easy to eat and delicious. ・ This is my first time going to the Tokyu Hotel lounge. I asked, but it was open-minded. It was a luxurious space. ・ Have a relaxing and relaxing time I had a great time. ・ Thank you for the meal☺︎꒡̈⃝⌄̈⃝¨̮ ・ □4-6-8 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya Nagoya Tokyu Hotel 1F 🚉5 minutes walk from Sakae station ・

  • Yuko Seki

    Yuko Seki


    Visited on Sunday tea time. After lunch at Loire, we used it as an after-party to celebrate a friend's birthday. When making an online reservation, I simply wrote in the notes section that the purpose of the visit was to celebrate a birthday and that I would like champagne, and everything was perfectly prepared. I don't really like cake, so I ordered pudding a la mode. It was very beautiful and delicious. The champagne is half Lanson. It was a refreshing, dry, and appropriate selection that goes well with sweets. Recently, I feel that the quality of customer service at hotel lounges has declined, perhaps due to a lack of people, but I think this is still a valuable place where you can spend quality time.

  • Y



    Interior like a castle The space has an atrium that reaches all the way to the 4th floor and is flooded with light. I think it's especially great during the day when the weather is nice. Many people were enjoying afternoon tea. I enjoyed the scone set. Same as scones served at afternoon tea Apparently it's made by a hotel. When you go to Sakae, please come and be healed. Compared to cafes in Tokyo and Nagoya I thought the cost performance was too good 💗

  • Pablo Velasco (Jpanese)

    Pablo Velasco (Jpanese)


    Our experience was absolutely stellar! We live on Tokyo and often visit other Afternoon Teas (mostly the Mandarin and the ShangriLa). We really enjoyed our time at Grindelwald. The food was nice and it was GREAT that we could order from our phones (also a timer makes it very easy to know how much time is left). All the employees were great. Very friendly and efficient. We would definitely go back 🥰

  • Kei Kaneko

    Kei Kaneko


    Beautiful place, Delicious Afternoon Tea, Amazing and Lovely staff. A great place to enjoy by yourself, with a significant other, or your friends. Very aestheticly pleasing. A perfect plqce for a celebration or special day.

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