Okada Dental Clinic i Kochi

JapanOkada Dental Clinic



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2-chōme-19-2 Shinhonmachi, Kochi, 780-0062, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-875-5181
internet side: www.0888755181.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5699335, Longitude: 133.5442695

kommentar 5

  • りん山田



    Orthodontics that cost a lot of money I made a mistake in choosing a hospital.

  • Jury



    I went to the hospital on the recommendation of a friend, and the hygienist was very kind, and every time she explained to me, she took pictures with her camera and explained in detail the stages of treatment and after treatment. The director was also friendly and easy to talk to!! It's careful, not too rough, and the finish is very beautiful.I like the prosthesis that I received through insurance, much better than the other self-pay treatments I had originally received!! I would like to continue to come back for maintenance (о´∀`о)♪♪

  • _ noct

    _ noct


    I received orthodontic treatment here. Once finished beautifully, "Now that my teeth have stabilized, I only need to wear braces about once a month." I did what I was told. Then one day, when I tried to put the device on, my tooth hurt. I'm no longer addicted to it. Before I knew it, there was a gap between my perfectly aligned teeth. If you consult with another dentist, if you consult with our dentist, Even if your teeth have stabilized, don't do it once a month. "We will teach them to wear the device every day on a semi-permanent basis." They said. Treatment policies differ depending on the dentist, and some dentists wear equipment every day. I think there are various options such as once a month. However, I paid a high amount of money and received orthodontic treatment. Additional costs will be incurred for re-treatment. I wish they had clearly explained the risks of tooth movement. I was wearing the device more than once a month. I think this is the result of insufficient explanation. It is very disappointing.

  • 咲saku



    As with previous reviews, the reception was the worst. When making a reservation over the phone, I find that I don't listen to what people are saying properly, and that they make their own interpretations and proceed with the conversation. As a result, we didn't get along at all, and just making a reservation over the phone ended up being a hassle and wasting a lot of time. It was so bad that I thought he was a person with a communication problem, and he seemed to have a bad attitude rather than an attitude.

  • 2021 AQUOS

    2021 AQUOS


    The fees are higher and the treatment period is longer than other dentists. This clinic creates a treatment plan with photos at the time of treatment, but this is expensive for image diagnosis. Moreover, even though it was a treatment plan, it was only given to me after the treatment was completed. The healed tooth looked beautiful, but it came loose after only a year and a half and I had to have it repaired again. Before the treatment here, I had the same tooth restored twice, and it was only minimally removed and filled, and it lasted about 15 years each time, but this time it only lasted a year and a half, which was longer than I expected. I was even more shocked because my teeth had been chipped away and almost half of my teeth were gone.

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