Oita Bank Fukuoka Branch w Fukuoka

JaponiaOita Bank Fukuoka Branch



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Japan, 〒812-0036 Fukuoka, Hakata Ward, Kamigofukumachi, 10−10 呉服町ビジネスセンタ 2階
kontakt telefon: +81 92-281-4381
strona internetowej: pkg.navitime.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5979511, Longitude: 130.4103193

komentarze 5

  • x x

    x x


    Since Oita Bank is only located in Hakata, it was a problem that transportation costs were higher than the handling fees. *However, I learned about the existence of the Kyushu ATM Network. This is the case at Nishinippon City Bank, Fukuoka Bank, etc. Using an Oita Bank cash card It seems that "withdrawals" can be used on weekdays (8:45-18:00) for free! There is a 110 yen fee for after-hours and weekends and holidays! I'm glad if you can use it as a reference.

  • vxvかちゃんくす



    The lady at the reception was very unpleasant. I wanted to open an account and went to consult with him, but from the beginning he made me feel very uncomfortable with his derisive attitude, strong tone, and half-smiles. The man sitting in the back (the person in charge) laughed along with me and acted rude. I told her that I was thinking of using my ATM card because it's called My Melody and it's cute, and I don't have a problem going to the ATM there, but she laughed and said, ``Do you need one even though you live in Fukuoka?'' As others have written, rural banks are inconvenient. Is there anything good about cash cards other than being cute? This was handled carefully until the end. From the moment I entered, I was told that I was being judged in a bossy way, so I left without opening. I have never met a bank that was so rude. I will never go there again.

  • 合澤浩一



    Isn't it different from other banks that you can only use ATMs from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays? I would like to see someone working from Oita Prefecture on their own.

  • やまざき和絵



    It appears that the store in Higashihie has been closed down, making it the only store in the city. There is a bicycle parking lot. 2 hours free. It is easy to turn left from the direction of Chiyo. You can either go inside from the bicycle parking lot and use the escalator, or there is an escalator right after you enter from the back entrance of Doutor.

  • 山田



    It's right after you go up the escalator to the second floor. The location may be a little difficult to find. The office itself is very nice and clean. Since there were not that many customers, the reception was completed quickly. When I left, they greeted me in a cheerful voice, which also gave me energy. I think it's perfect except for the location being difficult to find.

najbliższy Bank

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