Oigawa Post Office en Yaizu

JapónOigawa Post Office



🕗 horarios

329 Munadaka, Yaizu, Shizuoka 421-0299, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-622-0001
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8089698, Longitude: 138.2867624

comentarios 5

  • pubudu madushan

    pubudu madushan


    Atm on sunday

  • 御堂雫



    The staff are very responsive, but because it's small, it's often crowded. In addition, there is not much parking and it is difficult to get in and out. It is especially difficult to check left and right when exiting. There are too many obstacles, and I wish they would at least turn on the lights when they exit. I would like a second parking lot to be built. If that is not possible, I would like them to ease congestion by opening on Saturdays, 24 hours a day, or until late at night. There are a lot of users, so I want the business to be commensurate with that number.

  • SoyMilk



    Sometimes you have to wait at a post office in a small town even when it's not crowded. The parking lot can accommodate 3 or 4 cars.

  • M -remon

    M -remon


    This is the town post office. it is normal.

  • yuki H

    yuki H


    The only problem is that the parking lot is narrow, and other than that, it's normal.

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