Japan Post en Fujieda

JapónJapan Post



🕗 horarios

626-3 Okabechō Utsutani, Fujieda, Shizuoka 421-1199, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-667-0001
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9105819, Longitude: 138.2811392

comentarios 5

  • なお



    It's a normal station. It has a rural atmosphere and is a place of refuge for the elderly, so it may take some time depending on the time of day.

  • la_glycine 27209

    la_glycine 27209


  • コーネリア眞代



    I moved here and have had to deal with things like changing the address on my bankbook and making money transfers, but they have been very courteous. Parking is available by entering from the side of the building. Some people parked in the JA parking lot across the street from the building. No need to worry about parking. This time I went to pay for the recycling of a TV that was going to be disposed of. When I filled out the form and went to the counter, I was told how to get a cheaper fee and asked to use that method. It seems that some of the station staff were slow in processing, but it was okay as they had plenty of time. It feels like a local post office with roots in the community. The display was also warm.

  • くんくん



    It's not that crowded, but the parking lot is narrow so be careful.

  • Hi



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