Ohama Dai-ichi Hospital w Naha

JaponiaOhama Dai-ichi Hospital


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

1000 Ameku, Naha, Okinawa 900-0005, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 98-866-5171
strona internetowej: www.omotokai.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 26.234663, Longitude: 127.683835

komentarze 5

  • スガピー



    ◯P.S. I had urinary retention of unknown cause and had a slight fever, so I called an ambulance twice, but they refused.I was finally able to get there with the help of a visiting psychiatric nurse, but although I was asked to catheterize my urine, I was told, ``I can't do it any more, so I asked the visiting nurse to guide me.'' In the end, the old lady attacked the visiting nurse and said, ``The cause is unknown, the cause is unknown, and I can't be hospitalized.'' The visiting nurse was also upset, so I went home for the time being. I'm planning to go to the urology department after the holidays. What should I do if I have acute renal failure? Although urinary retention is something that cannot be ignored (it becomes impossible to control water content and also causes mold to circulate in the bloodstream), this response was taken. Naha Ambulance also introduces Ohama, but are they collusive? That's what it feels like. If you go here, you will be given a ◯, so it is better to go to another emergency hospital. By the way, when I looked at the official website, it seems that Emperor Heisei was there, and history has become a religion, so I feel like things are getting better. Not only in Okinawa, but all major private hospitals are like this. Minus one trillion points. If you wish to send certified mail for slander, please do so. I will also fight this. Visited emergency room at night due to heat stroke. Although they said the IV would be completed in 40 minutes, I was given the IV in the waiting room, as if it were a triage green. 4 hours while sitting. It was tough because they wouldn't let me lie down. It was almost 11pm when I returned home, and I couldn't catch the first traffic at the hospital. (Maybe he goes back to the pub a lot) I had the taxi app Didi on my smartphone and I was able to catch it right away, so I recommend downloading it. The next morning, I felt tired and OS-1 felt delicious, so I asked to see a doctor, but I was refused. I'm not going anymore.

  • 薫


    A strange hospital except for the teacher The response from the medical staff is strange (straight face) Nurses talk all the time (especially in the blood collection room) The other day, I had surgery at a plastic surgeon. I filled out the medical history because I wanted to see two places. B asked me about the details of the interview, but in reality, I was only examined at one location. I think B forgot to tell me. The person taking the interview is also a problem. But I was too excited about the surgery. It's also my fault that I didn't think it was strange even though the teacher only talked about one place. The teacher is very solid, He was kind and very nice. We started talking about surgery and filled out a consent form for the surgery. The teacher clearly understood the process and gave me a copy of the consent form. However, at the time of accounting, I was given the original consent form. I was organizing the contents of envelopes in the parking lot. I realized that there was an original, I thought the medical staff had made a mistake, so I quickly returned it. The accounting person should keep a copy of the consent form. A meaningless statement. No, this one has the teacher's seal stamped on it, right? Even if I show you that I have a copy ? Should I make a face like this and accept it? This is another meaningless statement. Please accept it and keep it for now. I handed it over and went home. Um, please google it. The original consent form will never be sent to the person in question. Is it different from an informed consent form? If I revoke my consent form for surgery There was a medical error at the hospital! If I sue you, it's over, right? Do you understand what a consent form means? Is this rundown hospital okay? However, the teacher's response was very good, so I appreciate that. Hospitals like this often make calculation errors, so everyone should check their statements carefully.

  • ハマちゃん



    Used in medical checkups I was also examined in 2021. Barium can be selected for gastric examination. The dock costs about 18,000 yen at your own expense. I would like to have a medical examination once every three years. This time, the last doctor in charge of the explanation was an old lady, who explained with great enthusiasm. At the medical checkup here, lunch is served upon completion of the examination (choose from 4 types). You can relax in the sky lounge on the top floor Choose the same Ryukyu Gozen as last time I'm sure it's already included in the price, but I'm glad that you can refill your meal and it also comes with dessert and drinks 😄

  • もとさと



    The urology doctor I visited was friendly and listened well. The explanation at the time of hospitalization was thorough and I was able to ask questions without any anxiety. Although the hospital stay is basic, it is comfortable as it is a private room. It seems that you can upgrade the grade of the private room for a fee, but the free private room is sufficient. The shower is outside, but the toilet is in the room. I was admitted to a hospital room with a nice view of the ocean. It seems that only wired LAN can be used at ``Hospitalization Guide'', but Wi2 and Be Okinawa's free Wi-Fi is available (it is unknown if it is possible in all facilities, in places near the national highway), so we prepared No LAN cable was required. Others as below Wired LAN 150 yen/24 hours TV 100 yen/hour (BS, Star Channel available) Refrigerator 200 yen/24 hours Family Mart in the hospital is open from 7:30 to 20:00. Restaurant 8:30-17:30

  • Chondarah



    Thank you for your help in my spinal stenosis surgery. Since it was a microscopic surgery, I was able to leave the hospital without any aftereffects. Since we are an Omotokai group, we also provide thorough post-surgery rehabilitation.

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