AGAスキンクリニック沖縄院 w Naha




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒900-0015 Okinawa, Naha, Kumoji, 2-chōme−8−7 KM ビル 7F
kontakt telefon: +81 50-5527-0306
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 26.2168154, Longitude: 127.6799811

komentarze 5

  • A



    When I made a reservation to visit the clinic over the phone, the reservation time was different from the time I wrote down here, and I was forced to change it to a different day. I think it would be better to introduce a system that sends a confirmation email after making a reservation. Also, as others have said, it seems that whenever you call, you are always connected to the reservation reception center, so it is quite difficult to contact them because you cannot predict when you will receive a call back. I feel like patients have more opportunities to run into each other than at other hospitals, so I would like them to take this into account. The treatment at the examination and reception desk was polite and gave me a good impression, so I don't think it's a waste.

  • 大城園美



    All reviews have the same reply I want to call the store I use, but is it a call center? I can only connect to places like this. If I can't pick up the phone, I call back and it ends up being a call center. I can't tell you how many times I've given my name and date of birth, it's ridiculous. When I ask questions about medicines, the answers are vague and I feel like they only explain things according to the manual.

  • 凪砂



    To be honest, I was very nervous as it was my first time undergoing hair loss treatment. I didn't know if there would be any side effects, and I was often worried about whether it would really improve. However, the counselor was very thorough and guided me in every detail. I can receive treatment with peace of mind. I decided on generic tablets from the basic plan. This is a clinic that I would like to continue to use in the future.

  • オリビア



    I went to a hair loss treatment clinic for the first time in my life. I chose AGA Skin Clinic because (1) it was famous, as seen in advertisements, and (2) the reviews were good. Also, the staff was very responsive. With the original plan I signed up for, my hair started to grow after 3 months.

  • 爽次



    Although I am 20 years old, I started going there because I wanted to stay young forever. There aren't many hospitals that treat hair loss, so I chose this one because it's a famous one, but even though it's expensive, the treatment is very effective. Also, I have to go to the hospital once a month, but they will contact me by phone the next time I visit, as requested, and I think they are doing a good job. Unfortunately, they wouldn't tell me anything about the parking ticket unless I asked them. Everything else is satisfactory.

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