Ogikubo Post Office i Suginami City

JapanOgikubo Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-3-2 Momoi, Suginami City, Tokyo 167-8799, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 570-943-036
internet side: map.japanpost.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.7110889, Longitude: 139.6094081

kommentar 5

  • ふじ



    The attitude of the lady at the Yuyu counter is the worst. He wasn't home, so when I asked him to open the window, he said nothing. That face. I contacted you because my package had not arrived. My package had arrived due to a mistake in my confirmation, and I was furious about it. When I said sorry and was about to leave, he glared at me from the counter. This is also bad, but the customer service attitude is too bad. I would like the staff to take a look at the reviews here.

  • あで



    When I tried to send the inverter (unused and unopened) via Yu-Pack, it was refused. I checked the items that cannot be delivered in advance, and even though it was written on the outside that it did not contain gasoline oil, it was not possible. Thanks to that, I missed out on the auction opportunity and had to carry extremely heavy items back and forth. By the way, other post offices may be able to handle this. Aren't you an idiot? Should I die?

  • YOU



    The service at the counter...is the worst. Those who are undergoing training are constantly struggling and challenging errors even though they don't know how to handle them. Please keep an eye on the staff around you... Same thing last month. It hasn't improved at all. I wonder what's wrong with it even though it's empty... Even though I was irritated by being kept waiting, when someone asked me refreshingly, ``Have you taken the number ticket?''...I'm sorry.

  • あさみ



    The people at the regular postal counters are very courteous, but the woman at the Yuyu counter was so pushy that I didn't want to use them again. (Maybe it depends on the timing 💦)

  • y s

    y s


    I mailed a certain auction item from a convenience store under the jurisdiction of the post office here, but due to an omission in the link input, it was not reflected and I had to make an inquiry. No matter how many times I try to call, I can't get through. I used to have it delivered by the post office here. No matter how much I searched for the standard mail that was mentioned, I couldn't find it, and in the end, I couldn't find it and wasted my money, but I thought it could not be helped, but the above happened, and the reviews also said that, I'm starting to feel a sense of disbelief as things like this have been happening recently. I don't want to get confused, so I'll try not to send any items that are under the jurisdiction of this post office.

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