NTT Medical Centre Tokyo w Shinagawa City

JaponiaNTT Medical Centre Tokyo



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-9-22 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 141-8625, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3448-6111
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6309432, Longitude: 139.7259489

komentarze 5

  • Senn Cunna

    Senn Cunna


    Super helpful hospital and has plenty parking too! English speaker translator and doctor that can explain in English, definitely would love to visit again.

  • Rob Mann

    Rob Mann


    Kana, one of the translators is such a sweetheart and super helpful. The hospital offers good services especially orthopedics and it’s no problem for foreigners to come here since they offer kind and helpful translator ladies for every step. Ask your clinic for a specialist referral. It’s a convenient location.

  • Carsheena Linton

    Carsheena Linton


    My hospital stay at NTT Medical Centre Tokyo was exceptional. The staff was incredibly professional, attentive, and compassionate, making me feel comfortable and well-cared for throughout my stay. The facilities were modern and well-equipped, and the medical care I received was of the highest quality. From the moment I arrived until my discharge, I felt confident in the expertise and dedication of the healthcare team. NTT Medical Centre Tokyo truly exceeded my expectations, and I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of medical treatment.

  • Liz W

    Liz W


    We had a nice visit. They had an English translator help us get registered and checked in. Then we went to see the ENT doctor who spoke English. He was very kind and helpful.

  • M A

    M A


    5 min walk from nearest JR/Metro station. They have English translator who will help you end-to-end. Make sure to ask for translator on the help desk. Once you are registered (and got the member card), you’ll get familiar with the system. they have self-register on general front desk & each ward, and self-payment. very convenient. Doctor was professional & giving me options. He could solve problems which doctor in my home-country couldn’t.

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