JCHO Tokyo Takanawa Hospital w Minato City

JaponiaJCHO Tokyo Takanawa Hospital


brak informacji

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3-chōme-10-11 Takanawa, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0074, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3443-9191
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6312096, Longitude: 139.7319296

komentarze 5

  • Colin



    I had a high fever and was able to make an appointment for within the hour on a Sunday, when many clinics are closed. I speak some Japanese but the staff were also able to assist in English. The doctor, nurses, and technicians were all very professional and kind. I am very glad I went here and I would recommend this hospital to anyone.

  • Colleen Brown

    Colleen Brown


    Very efficient and accommodating. As an English only speaking tourist an English speaking nurse helped in every aspect. From reception, urologist, pathology back to urologist, prescription filled 2 hours. Brilliant. Thanks team. Very much appreciated.

  • Krittapas Maneechai

    Krittapas Maneechai


    First at reception here have a Interpreter so no worries about communication in English, but they will tell you the information once they got information, today after registered they let me waiting about 1 hour maybe more with no reason (maybe they have but they don’t tell me), once met the doctor Interpreter will help translate what doctors say to you and you can answer to the Interpreter to tell what you need to tell doctor. All process was great and finally got a prescription. And go to buy the medicine at store just in front of the hospital. (-1 star for let me waiting so long with no reason or any information)

  • 眞子奈々(punktwig)



    Good service and medical assistance. If you are a foreigner who doesn't speak japanese they have english, chinese, russian translators who assist you! Thank you to Erika-san, she translated everything for me while i had medical chexk-ups, as i don't know medical terminology in Japanese The only issue was the waiting time. I was waiting for gynaecologist for 2.5 hours.

  • Aya Ahmed

    Aya Ahmed


    Bad experience, the English speaking staff was so rude and discouraging. She kept rushing to get me out of the hospital and was so condescending. Foreigner generally get bad health services in Japan. This isn't the first time I was refused medical treatment just because I speak English!

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