Nove en Akita




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2-chōme-1-3 Higashidōri, Akita, 010-0003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 18-825-2339
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 39.7171203, Longitude: 140.1380985

comentarios 5

  • K S (コージー)

    K S (コージー)


    I received the adult lunch Kiwami. The hamburger steak is soft and delicious, and the fried shrimp has an irresistible plump texture. The crab cream croquette was also melty and delicious. The meat in the beef bowl was cooked just right, tender and delicious. I've been here a few times, but I'm relieved by the consistent deliciousness. Thank you for the meal. I'll visit you again.

  • stこうめい



    I didn't go to the store, but I received a take-out lunch box at the training session. It was delicious with well-balanced ingredients 😋🎶

  • ミニーミッキー



    Although the store has been around for 20 years, the inside is clean. No Wi-Fi. Payment is by card or cash only.

  • さとうゆずる



    Visited for dinner for the first time. I ordered a dish with an omelet on top of the hamburger. The prices are high, but everything is excellent. The gratin is especially rich and delicious. The stylish interior of the store makes me want to go back again.




    I went there for the first time in about 4 years. I felt that the fried shrimp was smaller than before, but I ate shrimp with a head last time, so maybe that's why? The seasoning is elegant, so if you can put something like rock salt on the table, I like it strong 🙆🏻‍♀️ I think this is a good store that is crowded with customers of all ages. It's great that you can choose between regular, 2/3, and half rice👍 The customer service is soft-spoken and not too polite, so it's not sarcastic and makes you feel comfortable (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ It's a difficult place to get into, so I don't have a lot of time to visit, but I'd like to visit again.

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