農園カフェ Cafe Jaboticaba en Shizuoka

Japón農園カフェ Cafe Jaboticaba



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
6253-3 Mariko, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0103, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 90-7605-3491
sitio web: www.cafejaboticaba.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9423087, Longitude: 138.3209905

comentarios 5

  • AYA



    Mackerel sandwich, stump cake (coffee-flavored sponge with orange peel), soup, hot shaboticaba drink There are a lot of things that are good for your body in one plate. Various types of koji are also used, which is good for your intestinal health. This time we also picked Jaboticaba. I stopped picking the small-leafed ones that are ripe and are seasonal. They are all delicious. This time, I took advantage of what I learned three years ago and bought bread before lunch. We had a great time. I want to go again.

  • Tom



    You can fully enjoy dishes made with fruit grown by the owner and local seasonal ingredients. The food at this restaurant, where you can enjoy the aroma and deliciousness of the ingredients without adding any seasonings, is worth coming from far away. The lunch set, which includes a mackerel and bacon sandwich sandwiched between bread baked by the owner, as well as a variety of vegetables such as beets, avocado, carrots, and tomatoes, is carefully prepared one by one, and prepared only after an order is placed. There seem to be many items to choose from, so I think it's best to arrive around 11am so you can enjoy your time more slowly.

  • orion993tb



    I made a reservation for lunch. Lunch at Jaboticaba was very delicious. I also purchased Jaboticaba. The master was kind and taught me a lot of things, and I also had the opportunity to hunt jaboticaba. You can only hunt a small cupful of fruit, but it's a rare fruit, so it was interesting. Please note that Jaboticaba hunting may not be possible depending on the shape of the fruit.

  • youmi



    I made a reservation and had lunch there because I was told that I could eat a rare fruit called Jaboticaba. We were able to relax by being separated from other tables in the house. It has thick skin and seeds, so there are few places where you can eat it. Apparently you can take a cup home with you, but I guess you only have to eat it once. It costs 500 yen for about 10 tablets.

  • 井出有香



    I visited for lunch. It seems to be very popular and sandwiches etc. often sell out, so I recommend making reservations in advance. There are seats inside the farm house, and you can have lunch next to the jaboticaba tree. All the staff are very kind and explain the dishes carefully. The vegetables were also grown on this farm and were all delicious. The sandwiches are especially delicious, and the bread is also available for take-out. Lunch includes not only a plate, but also soup, dessert, and a drink. Jaboticaba juice can be drunk with the seeds and is sweet and sour and delicious. I would like to make a reservation next time. This is a really recommended little-known cafe 🍰

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