Nokkeya BiVi Fujiedaten i Fujieda

JapanNokkeya BiVi Fujiedaten



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒426-0067 Shizuoka, Fujieda, Maejima, 1-chōme−7−10 BiVi藤枝
kontakter telefon: +81 54-668-9920
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.847274, Longitude: 138.253025

kommentar 5

  • K. KATO.

    K. KATO.


    Nokkeya for the first time in about four years ( ̄▽ ̄) To say the least, it's the best~(๑´ڡ`๑)❤

  • とけぱんだ



    After watching a movie on BiVi, I had seafood bowl. I want to eat it Go to Nokkeya on the 1st floor. I received the special seafood bowl. Sea urchin, salmon roe, squid, octopus, Vincho, red meat, medium fatty tuna It was in. It melted in your mouth and was delicious. If you just want to pay with PayPay No signal. People on docomo lines should be careful.

  • 鈴木啓鷹



    I ate the Mentai Mayo Negi Torodon. I found it by looking at the menu, so I tried it and it was delicious. Since it was a BiVi Fujieda store exclusive product, I wanted to continue trying it. The tuna gyoza was also very delicious.

  • Jaya Manohar

    Jaya Manohar


    Very Delicious 😋 i like the lunch

  • Shao-Chin Fan

    Shao-Chin Fan


    Delicious !

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