Noka No Ippuku w Fukuoka

JaponiaNoka No Ippuku



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-140 Kamikawabatamachi, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0026, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 92-262-1686
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.5933631, Longitude: 130.4089252

komentarze 5

  • Rommel Canillas

    Rommel Canillas


    Great value for money! one of the best ive had in japan. the only problem for me is that you have to do an indian sit while eating but other than that - 10 out of 5 stars!

  • Tom Tsang

    Tom Tsang


    Great all-u-can eat Yakiniku. Tourist friendly and staff were efficient and functional. Tablet/Digital ordering of food with options for English, Chinese, Korean so you can easily manage without a word of Japanese Relatively Cheap, with a good selection of quality food. Service was quick, usually food items arrived within 1 min of ordering on the tablet. The meat for BBQ were all good quality. This is not fine dining, but perfect for a cheap BBQ all u can eat which will fill you up.

  • Boss



    Came for dinner on a Tuesday night around 6pm. Wasn't too busy and could get a seat easily without booking. It's all you can eat yakiniku and the have 3 sets - we ordered the cheapest at 3300 yen. There is quite a lot to choose from in this set and it's a great deal. Meat quality was surprisingly good and the service for the guy there was beyond good, super friendly and attentive. They serve you a plate of food first up which includes stuff ee couldn't eat so suggest mentioning what you can and can't eat when you order. For this price cant complain - Worth coming

  • Vicki Pan

    Vicki Pan


    We chose the superlative course-plan which is around 4800 Yen. Plus the all you can drink option for 1500 Yen. For two people that made around 12k Yen. You can eat for two hours but we left after 40 minutes because we felt this place’s products were not worth it. This was the worst experience of Japanese bbq we have ever had. All the “meat” was basically 2/3 fat and that made it unable to cook, since the fat caused fire and that let to the burning of the meat, even the Wagyu beef. Before we could start ordering what we wanted they made us eat a set of different foods. The popular Japanese drink “highball” tasted like soda water and nothing like whisky at all. Draft beer was good though. Not recommended.

  • Sally Cabrera

    Sally Cabrera


    Came with a few friends (10 of us) for the all you can eat option. The hospitality was fantastic and we even got a waiter that spoke English (although we are all foreign exchange students, most of us speak enough Japanese to order our foods and such). The waiter came and explained the menu to us and did everything to make sure we were all comfortable and happy. The food was delicious and it was fairly cheap for an all you can eat yakiniku (around 2200 yen). I would definitely come back here again!

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