Nishina Food Basket in Kurashiki

JapanNishina Food Basket



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Nishibara-820 Nishiachichō, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0806, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-466-1200
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.587067, Longitude: 133.7229008

kommentare 5

  • あいうえおばさん



    Same as below. I'll leave out the name. The attitude of the lady at the cash register is amazing. Something almost fell out of the basket, so I apologized, but he glared at me with a terrible look on his face.The next elderly person was hard of hearing and couldn't hear very well, but he clicked his tongue and said it in a whisper ( Personally, I will complain. I could hear it so loud that I couldn't help but watch it twice while paying. Then, I smiled and smiled at the next regular parent and child. What is that attitude? There is no basic education anywhere in Nishina. But this place is especially bad. It's such a waste because some people are so friendly. I will never stand in line with that person again. I just want to put my name out there.

  • サイウマ



    I won't mention her name, but the woman in charge of the cash register has a very bad attitude. He seems to be the youngest of the cashiers, but he doesn't say hello easily. I don't even say thank you. Private language is spoken clearly and loudly. I go to other Nishina places, but I don't find anyone who treats me like this.

  • mata buti

    mata buti


    This is the worst store ever. A few of the cashier clerks here are polite, but most of the cashier clerks are unpleasant, and if you go shopping on a day when you can use coupons for that day, you won't bring the coupons with you. There were many times when I went shopping, but no one spoke to me, and I ended up not being able to use my coupons. Today, the same cashier did not speak to me at all, but gently asked the customer after me, ``Do you have a coupon?'' She is the worst cashier clerk ever. I don't want to shop here anymore.

  • ウーバー



    Nishina is my favorite in the supermarket. This is my first time at this store. There was a corner for the "Taste of Nature" series. Purchase seasonings etc. I'm lucky that eggs are discounted. It was a little difficult to locate the cash register. I would appreciate it if you could make a payment using a com card at the cash register. Four stars on that point.

  • T Omo

    T Omo


    Most of the cashiers are considerate of the children they bring with them, and the atmosphere is good. So I've been using it a lot lately. The items from Kurashimoa are cheap and of good quality, which is helpful.

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