Coop Kamogata in Asakuchi

JapanCoop Kamogata



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1524-1 Kamogatachō Kamogata, Asakuchi, Okayama 719-0243, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 865-45-8055
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5415001, Longitude: 133.5925751

kommentare 5

  • ロックスミス



    It seems like there are a lot of good quality products. Unfortunately, it sells out quickly. When I entered the store a little late, there was nothing there.

  • バカッター



    We have a large selection of products in all areas. We have a lot of rare items that you won't find anywhere else. In addition, we also have COOP original products.

  • st hm

    st hm


    I would like to see an end to the unnecessary service where store staff refill items from shopping carts one by one into bags brought by customers when checking out. It's fine when it's empty, but I don't understand why they do it when there's a line waiting at the register. A strange sight that I have never seen at other stores.

  • るりっちるるる



    The inside of the store is beautiful. I have never thought that side dishes are delicious, but although the products are a little expensive, I can buy them with confidence. Most of the store staff are elderly. I've never thought of him as amiable. I think it's good because you can use PayPay and get points on your co-op card.

  • Youanさっし



    A store loved by the local community. The store is very clean and the staff are kind. Are the products fresh and worth the price? There is also an eat-in corner inside the store, and there are also 100-yen and 1000-yen cuts. There is also a drug store next door. It's on the corner of an intersection, so it's easy to get in and out.

nächste Supermarkt

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