Nishina Food Basket i Kurashiki

JapanNishina Food Basket



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1512-1 Tamashima Kashiwajima, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8123, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 86-525-8011
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.5323257, Longitude: 133.6631622

kommentar 5

  • 丸山富也



    I think it's a fairly old building. But the store was beautiful.

  • ちゅんた



    There aren't any bad male employees here. Mr. Nakahama? I often work at the cash register, but even though I ask people many questions, I don't really listen to them. “Is it cash? ”Even if I answered “Yes, cash,” I was asked many times, “Would you like me to bring you a plastic bag? ”Even if I answered “I don’t need it,” I was asked many times, When I said, ``Please give me a straw,'' a bag was attached to it. When I said, ``Pay with iD,'' I was asked, ``Are you Edy?'' ” and 😅 It's true that it may be difficult to hear, but I've been in this situation many times, so I'll try to make it easier to understand. Also, since it's a semi-self-checkout system, I would like people to stop digging through their shopping carts over and over again once they have started paying. Another day, a male clerk who was displaying two racks side by side in the sweets section asked me if he had something I wanted to take. I was looking at this place as if I should pass by. No, I'm also pushing a cart, so if you're going to line up two racks in the aisle, why not at least line them up vertically? I wasn't trying to pass there for no reason, I was trying to pass because I needed something, so why can't I avoid it?

  • ka mk

    ka mk


    It's an ordinary supermarket, but the side dishes and side dishes are delicious. It's convenient because it has 100 yen stores, and I was happy that the prepared foods at the Tuesday market were cheap and delicious.

  • 三千代



    I am always indebted. I always take a look at the farm-fresh vegetable section. The cashier was more friendly. Local Japanese confectionery Tamaido is in the shop. We can also prepare small gifts.

  • 辛口高齢ドライバー



    The store staff are friendly and nice. However, there are a lot of cashiers anyway. I always forget to give discounts, I mistakenly pay for lettuce and cabbage, I set the wrong opportunity for carrots for 98 yen and somehow it ends up being 198 yen, and the price tags attached to each product are also off, so how many times have they been cheaper! Did you buy it by mistake? The other day, the price tags on three types of cheese were stuck on the wrong sides, and I was disappointed when I bought it because it was 213 yen, but it was actually 498 yen. When I returned to check, I discovered that the product shelf was shifted by two rows. It was a hassle to return the product, so I just bought a more expensive cheese. It was delicious though. There are many times when I forget to put a price tag on a product and don't know how much it costs. When you come to this store, you always have to check and check, so you can't shop with confidence. I'm tired. I would like it to be a little more clear.

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