Nishimurakohi Ashiyaten in Ashiya

JapanNishimurakohi Ashiyaten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

6-15 Seidōchō, Ashiya, Hyogo 659-0064, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 797-31-0580
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7278502, Longitude: 135.3043179

kommentare 5

  • Annie Yan

    Annie Yan


    The famous Nishimura Coffee from Kobe has a branch in Ashiya that I like the most. Although the store is not as large as the one in Sannomiya, it is quiet and stylish, with a particularly good atmosphere. Enjoying a brunch there is a wonderful experience.

  • Ramon Lopez

    Ramon Lopez


    Quiet and very familiar atmosphere.

  • Sean Seungwon Jeong

    Sean Seungwon Jeong


    Hidden gem. Traditional showa style coffee shop. Really enjoyed the atmosphere

  • D “Anzen”

    D “Anzen”


    I suspect this place survives because of the customers who have been visiting for many years and probably come from habit rather than experience something enjoyable. The whole downstairs (where the food is prepared) is smoking and the smell drifts through the entire building. Walking upstairs you can see the carpets are ragged and torn and should have been replaced many years ago. The service is extremely slow (30 minutes for a watery omelette and insipid brown sauce of mysterious origin – a further 20 minutes for the coffee to arrive). No sense of welcome or warmth from the staff and when the place is full – its very noisy. I have tried coming back a few times because the coffee is excellent, but the other negatives outweigh this only benefit.

  • Takuya Arai

    Takuya Arai


    Good Cafe to Drop in

nächste Cafe

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