Green House Silva in Kobe

JapanGreen House Silva



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5-chōme-5-25 Kotonoochō, Chuo Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-0094, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 78-262-7044
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.6959584, Longitude: 135.1948585

kommentare 5

  • Amirreza Lotfipanah

    Amirreza Lotfipanah


    Had the chance to visit Green House Silva for lunch on a Sunday a few days ago, and it was a very good experience! We arrived there at around 12:45, and we still had to wait for like 15 minutes before getting in as there was a long line, so it's probably better to arrive earlier if you're planning to go for lunch/dinner. Got the Awaji Beef Bolognese Pasta and a Showa Omurice for lunch, Iced Teas for drinks, and a Tiramisu plus a Chocolate Framboisier for dessert. Everything was delicious and served pretty fast, the only gripe being that coasters weren't provided so our table ended up having lots of water residue. The atmosphere and vibe of the place is quite unique as the exterior is surrounded by a small garden which makes it seem otherworldly in the middle of Kobe's Sannomiya. The interior design is also cozy, warm and relaxing, perfect for having long conversations. Overall an easy recommendation!

  • Roland Novák

    Roland Novák


    Great for some side dishes (fried potato is really nice) and for drinks. The atmosphere is really calming and has a nice style. The main dishes were not by my taste, but they looked nice. The only downside would be the inconvenient tables for eating (they are really small and low.

  • Nafesa Ng

    Nafesa Ng


    Been a regular here! Love the atmosphere and the environment. So peaceful and calm. The setting is great for a hangout/chitchat. Food is great and yummy! Just need to have the patience to wait in getting a table 😅

  • Sophie M

    Sophie M


    Great place to sit and catch up with friends! Whether you want to just get coffee and a snack, a full meal, or drinks with friends, it's a great place to relax, especially since there are warm blankets you can use! The staff is very friendly, the only downside is the menu is a little pricey considering the portions are on the smaller side for items such as pasta. However, I am willing to splurge every now and then because the ambience is so cool!

  • Arianne



    It's like a hidden cafe in the middle of a busy city. It's a bit dark inside but it's really cozy. Haven't tried the meals but the cake was really good.

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