Nishigai Dental Clinic en Iwata

JapónNishigai Dental Clinic


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2283 Nishikaizuka, Iwata, Shizuoka 438-0026, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 538-39-4111
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7168377, Longitude: 137.8691556

comentarios 5

  • 吉田



    Although it has a stylish exterior, it has not been cleaned and is a waste of time. It's deserted and always empty. Personally, I have very bad memories of dentistry. I've been to many different hospitals, but this is the first one where I've felt so uncomfortable.

  • mi Mayu

    mi Mayu


    It was a traumatic and frightening experience, as the doctor's attitude was overbearing, forceful, and angry. The receptionist was not responding for the patient, but was very intimidated by the doctor's attitude and was responding to the patient. The doctor's emotional ups and downs are so intense (he gets angry when his heartstrings are touched) that I'm worried about his mental state. It looks like we are currently temporarily closed, but I think it would be better for the patients, staff, and doctors themselves to take a break. I am so traumatized that I get palpitations every time I pass by this hospital.

  • toshi



    This is the dentist I visited over 10 years ago. I received cavities treatment for two of my right molar teeth, but a lot of important teeth were removed. (When I went to another dentist after that, I was asked why I had to cut so much.) There was no consideration given to anesthesia, and I was told to endure the pain even if it hurt. I decided to cover it with silver teeth. And today, the nerve of one of the teeth that was treated here was removed. I can't help but regret it.

  • チャコ



    I was told that I had 4 cavities in my tooth, and I treated one of them, but the treatment wasn't right, so I had my tooth looked at elsewhere and was told that there wasn't even a single cavity. What's more, when I went to a different dentist to take X-rays, they looked at the area that had already been treated and told me that I had dug too much and that this was an injury case. I've heard that there are cases where treatment costs are wasted, but I never thought I'd be affected...

  • D Nob

    D Nob


    After getting a filling for treatment, I was in so much pain that I couldn't even chew my food properly. Even when I complained about this, no action was taken and I ended up suffering in pain for a long time until the filling came off naturally. I can't believe the high rating.

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