ひろゆき歯科口腔外科 en Hamamatsu



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381-11 Hatsuoichō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8112, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-430-1182
sitio web: www.hiroyuki-dentalclinic.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.763495, Longitude: 137.7283197

comentarios 5

  • 伊藤明世



    I've been going here since about three years ago, when I clenched my teeth too much and my back tooth cracked. The treatment is thorough and the explanations are thorough.

  • 業務用



    When checking the condition of my teeth, I often turn to the assistant while sticking a dental mirror (something like a stick) into my mouth, so the mirror rattles in my mouth and I have to be careful to hold it down with my tongue. Ta. When communicating the results of a medical examination, the doctor mumbles the results to himself in a low voice, making it tiring to listen. In my case, I had to undergo the procedure at a large hospital, but to be honest, I felt relieved. The attitude of the receptionist was also not very good. Overall I'm looking forward to it. If I wanted to have a comfortable consultation, I would normally expect someone to greet me or ask about my business when I entered the store, but that didn't happen.

  • 小豆柴



    worst dentist Worst dentist I've ever been to The treatment plan is vague and if you are not confident, don't do it. They won't even check for periodontal disease or clean your teeth. I don't want to go there again

  • 木下まりあ



    he's the worst doctor I called and asked to have stitches removed from an area that had been operated on at another hospital, and after I explained everything about the procedure and the area, the doctor said, ``Please come and I will examine you and make a decision,'' so I went there. However, the moment the doctor came in, he declared, ``We don't remove stitches at other hospitals.'' There was no medical examination at all, and I didn't even look inside the mouth. What's more, the information I gave over the phone and the receptionist confirmed with the doctor was like a lecture to me. "Why did you come to my house? I'm busy too!" That's because you asked me to come so you could examine me and decide. If you're going to declare from the beginning that you can't do it without even examining me, why did you call me? I couldn't help but laugh in shock. In such a situation, you will have to pay the bill properly. If you can't do it, just say no, but I'll call you in for the consultation fee, and instead of examining you, I'll give you a lecture and take the money. It's refreshing to have such a bad personality.

  • ラム



    Please don't listen to my explanation carefully. I had pain in another tooth caused by a tooth that had been treated at another hospital, so I wanted to see a doctor for help, but I was asked, ``What should I do if it was treated elsewhere?'' I have been told. I thought there was no need to say it that way. Moreover, I explained the details to the dental assistant beforehand. I tried to explain it to the doctor in detail, but he obviously seemed troubled by the way he talked about it, so I couldn't tell him the details of my symptoms and just waited and watched. Also, when I went to ask for my test results, I was completely forgotten about unless I asked them what the results were. As expected, I had a hard spot and it was painful, so I went to Seirei Hamamatsu's oral surgery clinic, where they carefully examined my bite, adjusted my bite, and alleviated the pain considerably!

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