Ikebukuro Hospital in Toshima City

JapanIkebukuro Hospital



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-5-4 Higashiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 170-0013, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3987-2431
webseite: www.ikebukuro-hp.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7310422, Longitude: 139.7171614

kommentare 5

  • BlueMonday O

    BlueMonday O


    I went to the doctor to have my head injury checked, but when I asked my question during the consultation, the doctor responded by saying, ``I graduated from a so-and-so university, and if you're going to ask amateur questions, go home.'' After that, the conversation continued to be slow, and even after the examination, I could not feel at all relieved. Unless there is a reason why it has to be here, I think it would be wiser to go to another hospital.

  • User 67

    User 67


    Someone is going to SUE the doctors here one day for how illegal their service is. The doctor refuses to check x-rays of patients even in risky condition, he yells at everyone and is blatantly anti Chinese and racist. Doctor, if you see this, when you wake up, know that Everyone Hates You. you'll never be loved. if you know whats best for you, theres something everyone in your life wants you to go do. I wonder what it is? hm. it's something you must be familiar with, you pond scum. lastly your participation certificates plastered on the wall are pathetic. also the lounge tv is annoying. turn it off

  • Mahmoud Daif

    Mahmoud Daif


    The staff are very rude.

  • nube nubeh

    nube nubeh


    it’s my first time here. i’ve been living in japan for almost 13 years and it’s my first time to asked for money first i was in shocked. the staff looks crazy here. i will definitely not going here.. this hospital looks scary even the staff and doctors their like zombie and when their calling you they will pin point their finger on you

  • Miguel May

    Miguel May


    Quick and to the point. They were able to answer all my questions quickly and clearly. My max waiting time was only about 30 minutes. I would definitely go here again if I ever have any questions or am in need of treatment.

nächste Krankenhaus

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