Nikko Station Hotel Classic i Nikko

JapanNikko Station Hotel Classic


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3-1 Aioichō, Nikko, Tochigi 321-1413, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 288-53-1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.7470733, Longitude: 139.6211262

kommentar 5

  • Hollis Hope

    Hollis Hope


    Here with Rindo Cycling group for four nights. Excellent experience: Great location. Clean, quiet, spacious rooms with private baths. Onsen. Good restaurants nearby. Perfect gateway for exploring this beautiful area, national park and world heritage sites.

  • S. L.

    S. L.


    Wonderful location and accommodations. Staff were warm, welcoming and accommodating and spoke English fluently. The rooms are quite large and very, very comfortable. I would 100% stay here again or recommend it to friends. The hotel is located across the train station and across from the bus stand. This makes it the perfect location for efficiency and getting around the Nikko area. It's also in an area with many restaurant choices within a 15 minutes walk radius. Do yourself a favour and stay here.

  • Choo HengHeng

    Choo HengHeng


    It was one of the best hotels that we have stayed in so far . Spacious and clean room and lavatory . Free breakfast and car park ( those who are driving ) . 3 different temperature Onsen . It is located near the train, too . They even have luggage delivery . Service is great . Highly recommend .

  • Philip Wolfe

    Philip Wolfe


    Great convenient hotel located directly across the street from one of Nikko’s train stations. Rooms are clean and comfortable. Breakfast buffet is above average and worth including with your stay. Sadly did not have a chance to use the baths.

  • W Cheong

    W Cheong


    Charming no frills 3-star hotel; great central location within walking distance to both train stations, bus station to the tourist sites, restaurants and cafes. Located 7 min walk from a large supermarket to get all your f&b essentials. Staff are friendly and helpful, and speak English. Rooms are a little dated but adequately furnished and large sized for Japanese standards. Worth the sacrifice of luxury for convenience. Across from train station to catch the JR trains, and rental car company (mandatory to have international drivers license to rent car). Hotel will give rate discount if you don't need your room cleaned everyday during your stay but will provide fresh towels daily. Free coffee and green tea sachets, available at lobby. Good breakfast buffet spread. Cheaper to buy at reception than when purchased with room rate.

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