Nikko Soba i Kanuma

JapanNikko Soba



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Japan, 〒322-0029 Tochigi, Kanuma, Nishimoro, 2-chōme−22−25
kontakter telefon: +81 289-65-2525
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Latitude: 36.552452, Longitude: 139.768608

kommentar 5

  • HS420



    Long time no see sauce cutlet bowl set for 750 yen! Was it cheaper in the past? Still cheap! I was able to use PayPay!

  • taro yamamoto

    taro yamamoto


    I visited with a friend for lunch. The cost performance is really good! Every time I came to Kanuma for work, I felt so pathetic that I used a nearby chain store... Due to the Golden Week period, only a few items were on the menu, but I ordered a set menu of sauce cutlet bowl and small soba noodles (you can also choose udon noodles, hot or cold as you like♪) for 750 yen including tax! I'm also happy that the price includes tax. There's a short wait for the food to be served, but it's recommended for people who don't need to rush to finish their meal. By the way, on this day it only took one hour from entering to leaving. If you're eating alone, you might be a little early. There is a counter inside the store, and the tables are not close together, so you can relax. The sauce katsudon is fairly thick and the sauce is a little sweet. It's styled like it's sitting on top of shredded cabbage♪ The side dish of small soba noodles is quite filling when paired with a bowl of rice. It also came with pickles. I'm interested in other menus, so let's go again ^_^

  • T M.

    T M.


    This is a lunch restaurant with good cost performance! Katsudon lunch, the meat was tender and very delicious! I've been here several times, and the sauce cutlet bowl is also delicious and recommended.

  • T Riverside

    T Riverside


    A classic lunch dish, the Sauce Katsudon Set (750 yen) is a great deal. The sauce katsudon is delicious because it has a large amount, the cutlet is thick and soft, and the oil is fresh. The soba comes with udon, and you can choose to have it hot or cold. Since it's a soba restaurant, we recommend the soba noodles. Although the price has increased to 750 yen, I still think it is reasonable. The vegetable tempura bowl set (800 yen) comes with a tempura bowl and either soba or udon, so it's a good deal. The tempura bowl is topped with lightly fried tempura of eggplant, green pepper, maitake mushroom, sweet potato, and pumpkin, and the sweet and spicy sauce is exquisite. You can choose either hot or cold soba or udon. The soba noodles are thin, smooth and elegant, and go well with the fragrant soup stock. I'm also interested in Kanuma's specialty, Shumai.

  • MERO 【F】

    MERO 【F】


    Sauce cutlet bowl and mini soba noodles for 750 yen. cheap. There are few shops this cheap! I only come here once in a while, but it was almost full at lunchtime!

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