Nikko Astraea Hotel en 日光市

JapónNikko Astraea Hotel


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Japan, 〒321-1661 栃木県日光市光徳温泉
contactos teléfono: +81 288-55-0585
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Latitude: 36.7957933, Longitude: 139.4556952

comentarios 5

  • Livvy Tan

    Livvy Tan


    Good size room. Hotel tucked again in forest, however easily accessible using Nikko Pass. Popular with mature Japanese crowd. Outdoor onsen is very nice during cool Climate.

  • Guillaume Habault

    Guillaume Habault


    Nice hotel with very friendly staff. You have several activity right outside of the hotel and can take the bus to do some more. The room we had was big and comfortable.

  • Sin Sin Chia

    Sin Sin Chia


    It was fully booked when we stayed there but we didn't feel the crowd. Quiet and peaceful, a great place to stay if you are visiting the Oku-nikko area. Easier to access for those who self drive. Meals are fantastic and very filling, staff are polite and efficient, our Japanese style family room with private bathroom was clean and well furnished, although the bathroom was very small. They provided green tea and wagashi plus yukata in the room plus drinking water. Overall a great stay.

  • S.G.



    My experience was beautiful! Thank you! Could be a little expensive for this small, dated pool ... But was snowing and I was happy, so...

  • Derek Moss

    Derek Moss


    It's quiet, not busy, indoor and outdoor onsen. I honestly fell in love with the place. This was my first onsen Japanese style hotel, and it definitely set the bar.

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