Niki Dental Clinic en Sakai

JapónNiki Dental Clinic



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3-chōme-5-58 Kuramaechō, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-230-4646
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.57516, Longitude: 135.5180026

comentarios 5

  • 第一村人



    The teacher has a soft demeanor and is easy to interact with. The treatment is painless and can be recommended.

  • A A

    A A


    I once had a wisdom tooth treated and the filling fell out right away, so I called her. I think that was the only interaction we had with him, but there was a note written on the front of his medical record that said, ``He is a troublesome person, so please don't make any suggestions for 〇〇,'' as if he were someone to watch out for. Since the medical record was placed in a position where it could be seen from the counter, I could see many things other than myself, so it was a real problem in terms of personal information, but what's more important is that a medical record containing information that could be taken as an insult would be viewed by a troublesome person like me. It would be no good if you put it where someone could see it.

  • 源氏



    The parking space is only for 2 cars, the surrounding area is narrow, and the intersection is right in front of you, so there are many cyclists and pedestrians, and if you are not careful, it is easy to cause a collision. Be careful as it is difficult. Although it is barrier-free, the bicycle parking lot does not have a roof to protect from rain, which is inconvenient, and the ground is strangely sloped, making it difficult to park your bicycle. The treatment seems to be fast, but I personally felt that he did not provide precision treatment using high-performance lenses like other dentists do. I felt that the dental hygienist was very good at removing stains from my teeth. The TV is always at high volume, so if you don't like noise, I think you should avoid it.

  • T K (TK)

    T K (TK)


    I was told that my tooth had a cavity and would need a filling, but there were no other options and I was given a silver filling. The pain varies greatly depending on the person in charge. Is this something that can't be helped? It was my fault that I had forgotten about my regular check-up once every three months, but on the day of the visit, I had not even been contacted after the fact, so I lost the desire to go. Lastly, I haven't had any cavities for a long time, but I went here for maintenance such as tartar removal, and my teeth were starting to get cavities the first time. Regardless of what I was told, I was told that my tooth was getting cavities twice within a year of treatment, and I had to change fillings and spend a lot of money. Such that?

  • M Rider

    M Rider


    He is a reliable doctor who is kind and good at treatment. Always provide accurate treatment and maintenance. I don't like it when people juggle instruments and other things next to my head, but the teachers here don't do that. Not only is he kind to his patients, but he is also very kind to the staff he works with, saying "thank you" every time he provides assistance. The receptionist and staff are always cheerful and energetic. We are available late at night and on Saturdays, and will do our best to accommodate emergencies, so we recommend it to those looking for a dental clinic in the Shin-Kanaoka area.

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