Niigata-Shirone General Hospital i Niigata

JapanNiigata-Shirone General Hospital



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770-1 Jōgesuwanoki, Minami Ward, Niigata, 950-1214, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-372-2191
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.759984, Longitude: 139.020762

kommentar 5

  • な。



    I think the reception, telephone staff, doctors, and nurses are also polite. He really cares about his patients. It's nice that the receptionists in each department are polite, but I'm concerned about the private language they use when no one is there.

  • H K

    H K


    The gynecologist listens to me very kindly. They perform multiple inspections and provide detailed explanations. The nurses who take blood samples are all nice people, so I feel at ease. There are also kind doctors who sometimes talk to me in the waiting room. I don't know about other departments, but the gynecology and blood sampling nurses are all nice people! I would like to come here even if it is far away.

  • 橋本絵梨子



    There was a problem with the nurse's response.I was infected with the coronavirus and was isolated, but while I was waiting, none of the nurses checked on me and left me alone.The nurse coughed when I was coughing. Isn't it okay to say things like "I don't want to be here" even though I'm so sad about being infected with the coronavirus? I was stunned. Afterwards, I went to the doctor thinking I had a cold, but the nurse's response was terrible.

  • とも



    The reviews were very bad, so I prepared myself (lol) As a result, all the nurses and doctors at the surgery were kind, and the doctor's explanations were very easy to understand. Maybe it varies depending on the department. I also had a CT scan, so it was over budget, but I was thankful that I could use my credit card.

  • んんん



    I went there because my company required a health checkup. Yesterday, when I called and asked about it, I was told that I could just come in, but I was told that the specialty department was closed today. If so, you should say it when you call! When I showed my health check results to the receptionist, the numbers weren't that bad, so could I see my regular asthma doctor? Huh? When I asked my family, they told me to see a specialist. ...I feel rejected and I don't like it! said. I had to wait at the reception desk for a while, but since the numbers aren't that bad, there's no specialist available today, but is it okay to have a blood test and see an internal medicine doctor? I was told that I had taken the day off from work, so I had the test done, listened to what the doctor had to say, and if I had another test at a later date and it turned out to be bad, I would be referred to a specialist. Weird hospital.

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