NHO Nishiniigata Chuo Hospital i Niigata

JapanNHO Nishiniigata Chuo Hospital


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1-chōme-14-1 Masago, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2074, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 25-265-3171
internet side: nishiniigata.hosp.go.jp
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Latitude: 37.8906159, Longitude: 138.9849791

kommentar 5

  • 真宮寺さくら



    The bed desk in the hospital was dirty even before I used it. Nurses' voices and laughter are annoying I have a brain test and they say it's OK to buy food and go to the store, but I can't go out of my room to buy anything. So I recommend purchasing before that 🎵 I'm hungry (sounds) All the teachers are good and friendly.

  • 江連大五郎



    Originally it was a very kind hospital. Is it because there has been a major change in the management system or something recently after the coronavirus pandemic? I am very sorry that you were refused medical treatment for no fault of yours. Even though no-contact is recommended due to the coronavirus, there was no pre-surgery explanation given to the family (it's an extra-brain surgery, right? Can you believe it?) Also, you won't be able to say ``I did it by the way'' by cutting into unnecessary parts that weren't planned. I had a lot of trouble with him, but the staff tried to chase me away with some random reason, so I got so upset that I left. This hospital is no longer recommended. However, I hope that if the system changes again, it will be used as a specialized hospital.




    Medical paperwork is very fast, and unlike other hospitals, we don't pay by machine, making it accurate and easy to understand. After the treatment, there are paper cup vending machines and regular vending machines. The Ariake Line's bus stop is close to the hospital, but the Nishikobari route bound for Niigata University and Uchino are more convenient. Please note that you can get off at Kobari Crossroads, but you cannot enter the hospital grounds directly from there. Please note that the payment system is progressing gradually. If you have been going to the hospital for decades, you will notice changes. The important point is that the psychiatry department, which could not prescribe treatment and did not improve at the new university hospital, referred the patient to this hospital, the attending physician continued to manage his physical condition and adjust the prescribed medication, and the office staff introduced him to ``Independence Support Medical Care for Persons with Disabilities.'' Along with getting the notebook, you can get half the cost of transportation and get a tax deduction, which is very helpful. At other hospitals, the name of the department (e.g. internal medicine, surgery, etc.) is displayed for outpatient treatment, so a third party can infer the patient's treatment relationship. However, since this hospital displays "first outpatient clinic" and "second outpatient clinic," it is difficult for others to tell what is wrong unless you have specific symptoms. If you are dissatisfied, perhaps it is related to the second outpatient clinic? (The second one is crowded) Advantages for people with disabilities: Bus fares are half off if you present your disability certificate, 26,000 yen is deducted on your tax return, museums are free to use, and if you have a low income, you may have to pay less for pharmacy and hospital expenses. There are systems like this If you don't ask yourself, the government office, tax office, or school won't tell you, and you'll just throw away your social security. There are no cases where the doctor will discuss the system or procedures. This is because doctors, nurses, and accountants are not in charge. I cannot speak irresponsibly about what administrative agencies do.




    I am a wheelchair user. I have been going to the hospital for rehabilitation, and I have always received satisfactory treatment. The adjacent Niigata Medical Technology College Nishi-Niigata Central Hospital Campus is located on the same premises. Niigata Kotsu's route bus The journey from the nearest bus stop (bus stop) "Kunitachi Nishiniigata Chuo Hospital-mae" to the hospital is almost steep *uphill, so it's very dangerous for manual wheelchair users, even if accompanied by a caregiver. . My wheelchair is electrically assisted, so I can move around, but I don't think it's safe, so I can't recommend it. *The angle of the incline is approximately 3.9 degrees, and the only angle that a manual wheelchair can handle on its own is 5 degrees, so I think the slope is dangerous. I think wheelchair users should use their own cars (there are many parking spaces with international symbols in the hospital parking lot), UD taxis (reservations required), nursing care taxis, etc. The taxi companies closest to the hospital also have wheelchair-accessible vehicles, but advance reservations are required. As mentioned above, transporting between the bus stop and the hospital in a wheelchair cannot be said to be safe, but for wheelchair users who do not use their own cars, the lowest transportation cost is likely to be the route bus. Below are the details of the route bus between "Niigata Ekimae" and "Kunitachi Nishiniigata Chuo Hospital" that I frequently use. However, not all route buses are wheelchair accessible, so check in advance. Departing from and arriving at Niigata Station Outbound: "Niigata Station" Platform 8 (Niigata Station Bus Terminal) W10-W12 Ariake Line bound for Uchino Office and others ⇒ "National Nishiniigata Central Hospital" Platform 1 (diagonally across the Masago Post Office road) Required Time about 35 minutes Return trip: "National Nishiniigata Central Hospital" bus stop 2 (Joyful Masago B side) W10-W12 Ariake Line Going to Niigata Station W15 Going to Niigata Station ⇒ "Niigata Station" (bus terminal Bandai exit drop-off area) Approximately 40 minutes

  • SaintBread



    again hospital? Send us more believers.

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