Nekoyanagi Steak House in Kanazawa

JapanNekoyanagi Steak House


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12-32 Yasuechō, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0854, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 76-222-2007
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5739967, Longitude: 136.6551164

kommentare 5

  • Panos Ketikidis

    Panos Ketikidis


    A nice, small, typical Japanese steakhouse in Kanazawa. Everything is fresh and prepared in front of your eyes. The vegetables, mushrooms and asparagus were perfectly al dente. When it came to meat, we chose tenderloin and sirloin from the Saga region. Both were very tender, as expected, perfectly seared to medium-rare. The sirloin had the best flavor I have ever tasted in a beef steak! We would like to thank the wonderful staff for the lovely and tasteful evening.

  • Ivo Jelinek

    Ivo Jelinek


    The meal was fantastic, a complete fairy tale. We all enjoyed it. I highly recommend!

  • Andrew Ranford

    Andrew Ranford


    Amazing experience and best meal we’ve had in Japan so far. Lovely Intimate restaurant seating only ~8 people with the food cooked in front of you. We had the set menu, which encompassed a variety of different flavours with the highlight being the wagyu steak. It is pricey but in our opinion worth it given the experience, taste and quality of food

  • Michele Corvo

    Michele Corvo


    Worst food I’ve ever had in 6 months in Japan. I honestly think (and hope) is because I chose a-la-carte and not the 16k yen menu; otherwise I couldn’t explain all the other good reviews. For me the food was disgusting and expensive (I paid 10.500 Japanese yen). I had: half raw potatoes, 2 asparagus, one piece of hard fish, garlic rice. This is the most expensive dinner I had in Japan but also the worst in quality and taste. If you go there, I recommend at least to try the menu, hoping for the better, but be prepared to Michelin Star prices for very cheap food. See my photos to see what I got.

  • Andrew Wick

    Andrew Wick


    A very memorable experience! Easily the best steak we’ve ever had. In this cozy, intimate restaurant (reservations only), you can’t help smiling as the kindest server and chef prepare your meal directly in front of you. We left with happy stomachs and happy hearts :) 15/10 would recommend! Arigatougozaimasu!!

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