A Happy Pancake in Kanazawa

JapanA Happy Pancake



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Japan, 〒920-0849 Ishikawa, Kanazawa, Horikawashinmachi, 3−1 6F
kontakte telefon: +81 76-265-8302
webseite: magia.tokyo
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5791483, Longitude: 136.6497543

kommentare 5

  • YZ P

    YZ P


    The tea and desert here are very good! The teabags are from this brand called Mighty Leaf. Very fragrant. We had the regular tea that comes with the pancake set, and also the Orange Dolce tea. Both were very fragrant. For desert, both the roll and the seasonal pancake with peach and rosehip were great! The taste is very different when you try each item separately (cake vs cream vs syrup, etc) and when combined together. This is something like a curated desert. A treat for the tastebuds. The pancake is more fluffy and more eggy compared to the regular pancake that we are used to.

  • Rohan Hocking

    Rohan Hocking


    One of the most-popular pancake chains in Japan and you can see why. English version of the menu is available but there are images of the dishes to help you decide. We ordered the fresh fruit and cream and dark chocolate, granola and cream pancakes. Be prepared to wait a little while as the staff take their time to prepare them so they turn out perfectly. Pancakes were light and fluffy and you can tell they use quality ingredients.

  • Husam Azma

    Husam Azma


    Absolutely incredible fluffy pancakes! Can't go wrong with any type but my favorite was the chocolate one

  • drea stemkens

    drea stemkens


    Happy pancake is a must try! You can add whip cream or icecream for about a dollar. Don't expect a traditional pancake. I would recommend the berry with cream cheese whip. It was incredible. Husband got the Sakura with white chocolate and found it to be to sweet, but still good.

  • Sai P

    Sai P


    Next to Kanazawa train station in the Forus building 6th floor. Great ambience and food. Pancakes were great. Something different from the regular ones served in US. A little bit high on the $$$ but it's worth.

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