Narashino Post Office in Narashino

JapanNarashino Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-5-1 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-8799, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6867931, Longitude: 140.0197535

kommentare 5

  • まりねりま



    The attitude of the older female employees is crap. I'm at a level where I should quit the customer service industry. The other staff members have been very kind to us, and we use them because we live nearby.

  • jakkie n (ダブルヘリカルズ)

    jakkie n (ダブルヘリカルズ)


    A post office with a yellow mailbox. Yellow mailboxes are very photogenic and have become a hidden tourist spot nationwide, and it is said that their colorful yellow color makes you feel happy just by looking at them. It is said that if you post a letter from here, the recipient will also receive happiness. This is a major base that is open even on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

  • 藤子



    I inquired about my luggage over the phone, but the receptionist's reception was the worst I've ever seen. I talked to the local post office after confirming that the package was being stored at the Narashino Post Office, but the conversation started with, "Huh? It's not a standard size, so how do you know it's being stored?" They didn't even ask me for the shipping address, and they didn't give me a proper response, asking, "Why?" The person who called me back said, ``The person who answered before me didn't really understand what I was saying, so I'd like to ask you again.'' I guess that's right, lol. If you can't work properly (have no motivation), could you please not answer the phone? It's very annoying and a waste of time.

  • indominus gamer

    indominus gamer


    Just a normal post office , nothing special but customer service is good, if you cant speak Japanese you may have a little difficulty speaking with the staff, thats all

  • Edson



    it is always quiet, friendly service, has parking and flexible ATM operation.

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