Nara Hotel w Nara

JaponiaNara Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1096 Takabatakechō, Nara, 630-8301, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 570-666-088
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6798175, Longitude: 135.8338275

komentarze 5

  • Andi Beiser

    Andi Beiser


    Being able to rent the ebikes was the highlight of our Nara trip. The rooms were so unique and comfortable. The hotel itself was gorgeous and well kept. The staff were beyond helpful. The shuttle service was awesome to have after checkout too.

  • Kevin Gu

    Kevin Gu


    Lives up to the reputation. Beautifully antique hotel meticulously up-kept to carry its history gracefully. The bar is stunning and brings you back in time. $8 taxi from train station and you are walking distance to the temples and shrines.

  • Erik Amezquita

    Erik Amezquita


    Beautiful hotel with a rich history. Staff was extremely nice and helpful. Dinner in the Japanese restaurant was a unique and awesome experience. My Finance had a food allergy and they accommodated her needs. Definitely make sure you go to the bar and enjoy the view.

  • Jeon San

    Jeon San


    Currently, I am staying in Nara Hotel! Very historical hotel and really traditional. Classic, beautiful, and gorgeous. Staff are truly working hard, kind, and nice. Many customers and they seem happy to be here in this hotel. Most of them seem like Japanese. I saw many pictures on the walls that many famous people who have been here before. The room is extremely big but quiet. The room has an amazing balcony with awesome views. I can say that it is one of the topest hotels in Japan. Price is reasonable but very luxurious.

  • User 67

    User 67


    Very cool and historical hotel. I wish they had more history available in English, but I enjoyed the books on sale at the shop as well as the ability to explore the hotel. The "New Hotel" wing is this almost hilarious late-80s 'liminal space' style area, while the old hotel feels very historical. The floor creaks... a lot of nice touches... good paintings and views.

najbliższy Kwatera

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