Nanto Bank Osaka branch en Osaka

JapónNanto Bank Osaka branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒542-0076 Osaka, Chuo Ward, Namba, 4-chōme−7−2 南都地所大阪ビルディング
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6643-1011
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6668753, Longitude: 135.4993343

comentarios 5

  • 体重増加



    The number of ATMs installed has decreased. The number of branches in each region has also decreased, making it inconvenient. It's unkind to inconvenience and trouble users by [carrying out a small kindness campaign] (crying)

  • ジュリー



    This is a store for corporations, so when I wanted to open an account, I went to the Hirano branch, which is closer to my home (although it's quite far away), and was told that I could not open an account unless I lived nearby, so I should contact the Namba branch. I was disappointed. When I called, I was told that they would open an account even if it was not a corporation, so when I went there, they turned me away and said they had never heard of such a thing and that non-corporate accounts could not be opened. This is an impossible response for a major bank, so was the person who answered the phone call someone not affiliated with Nanto Bank? Is security okay? ? I was told that I could open an account online, but since they couldn't verify my identity other than my driver's license and only had my My Number, I couldn't open it in the end. I wanted to open a Nanto Bank account to receive money transfers from someone who only has an account, but I was surprised that the barrier to entry was so high considering it's just a local bank. I made a complaint to the main store, but since it is a case-by-case response, the response was so unhelpful that it was really impossible.

  • achu myu

    achu myu


    An oasis for Nanto Bank users living in Osaka. There are many things that cannot be withdrawn from convenience store ATMs lol

  • Yoshinori Sugiura

    Yoshinori Sugiura


    Nanto Bank, located in Osaka city, is quite valuable for Nara residents.

  • Chawanat Nakasan (lunaticneko)

    Chawanat Nakasan (lunaticneko)


    FYI, ATM is open till 11pm weekdays and 9pm weekends.

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