Nakayoshida Dental Clinic en Shizuoka

JapónNakayoshida Dental Clinic



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8-65 Nakayoshida, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-264-7200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0010681, Longitude: 138.4313299

comentarios 2

  • 薄井眉



    My filling came off during the night and I found myself hanging from something, so I found this place that was doing it early in the morning and thought I could go here before work, so I called in the morning and had a doctor's appointment. I was so impressed by the extremely unpleasant attitude of the entire staff that they refused to accept customers at first glance, and even now I still barely feel it when I pass by. Oh, I don't want to come anymore. As a result, I ended up being a first-time visitor, but the fact that it's open early in the morning is very appealing, so I gave it two stars. This is a very personal opinion, but I think it's a little strange that hobbies that cost hospitals money are on display.

  • Googleユーザー



    This is one of the few dentists that is open early in the morning. The teacher is very kind, but I think everyone's tastes are different.

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