Green Dental Clinic en Shizuoka

JapónGreen Dental Clinic


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4-20 Tennōminami, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0014, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-364-8714
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.028241, Longitude: 138.464632

comentarios 5

  • あおい



    I went there when I was little. I said, ``It's not that deep of a cavity, so I'll treat it without anesthesia,'' and when we started the treatment, he said, ``It's deeper than I expected.'' It was treated as such. It really hurt. Thanks to you, going to the dentist is completely traumatic.

  • 明智光秀



    I tried to refrain from writing critical reviews, so I gave it 1 star, but it seems like there are other people who have had the same unpleasant experience, so I'd like to say this. I think older female dentists have personality problems. When I went to see a doctor about a year ago, I couldn't open my mouth wide, so I yelled, ``You can't open it wider!!'' and forcibly pulled my upper and lower jaw with both hands. I did. I was surprised that such a doctor existed in this Reiwa era. Didn't the dental assistant who was there also think nothing of it?They didn't even say anything to their superiors, so they just remained calm. This is a long post, but it seems like it hasn't been improved yet, so I decided to write it.

  • Kimi Kimi

    Kimi Kimi


    At my first appointment, I was photographed with a camera slamming into my mouth, my mouth was pulled, and I felt pain, but I still haven't received any treatment! I was told that I had some cavities. Even though it was painful, they forcefully removed the tartar from my teeth. It hurts. Ouch, what's the point of taking so many pictures? It took me 2 and a half hours to go to Baba Dental Clinic...I will never go there again.

  • 佐藤光世



    He is a kind doctor and does a great job of treating you so that it doesn't hurt. All the staff are also very nice.

  • 智津夫



    I have been indebted to this dental clinic from time to time since the previous director's time, and the dental clinic still has a very conscientious policy of treating patients with the shortest possible procedures, even if it is beyond surgery.

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