Nakayama Dental Clinic in Utsunomiya

JapanNakayama Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-8-8 Daikan, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 320-0867, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 28-633-6536
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5577339, Longitude: 139.8731654

kommentare 3

  • 式神



    At Koji Nakayama Dental Clinic, even if the tooth has a large cavity, if the tooth is not severely damaged, we will remove it and fill it with a filling. At this dental clinic, even if you have a painful tooth, you can simply ask, ``Can you remove it and fill it?'' We will not provide root-root treatment. (In contrast, at other dentists, they explained that even a 1mm hole could reach the nerve, so the nerve was extracted and the tooth was ground down to a small size...) Even when a tooth is chipped due to tooth decay, the decayed part can be removed and the missing part can be repaired with a filling. If the height of the tooth has become lower than the gums due to tooth decay, we will perform root treatment and then provide a crown. I'm really glad I was able to keep some of my teeth instead of having them extracted. I was also grateful that I was able to use items covered by insurance at a price that was covered by my insurance. I have been indebted to Mr. Nakayama since my parents' generation, and I am very grateful to him for his help. I am grateful.

  • yamaguchi kenichi

    yamaguchi kenichi


  • 藤井りん



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