Kaneko Dental Clinic in Utsunomiya

JapanKaneko Dental Clinic



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1-chōme-12-13 Yachiyo, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0169, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 28-612-2733
webseite: www.kdc2012.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.531201, Longitude: 139.8598345

kommentare 5

  • がんちゃん



    He is a dentist who has taken care of my whole family, even my grandfather. I am very grateful for the kind and thorough explanations, examinations, and mouth cleanings I received. My children have been coming to the school since they were young without being afraid or reluctant. In fact, they are happy to go, which is helpful. I would like to thank both my parents and their children, and my grandfather, for their continued support. P.S.: It is difficult to make an appointment as this is a popular dentist. Also, it's a problem because I can't connect to the phone at all. Based on these factors, I will increase the number of stars from 5 to 3.

  • ちょいデブおやじ



    I came here for my child's regular checkup. An X-ray was taken and the tooth was found to have cavities, so I was told that I would have to undergo treatment next time. However, I was only able to make an appointment about a month in advance, so I decided to treat myself at a new dentist who was relatively easy to book online. Then I was told that I had no cavities. Just to be sure, I took another x-ray. I almost had my healthy teeth treated. Kaneko Dental gave the impression that they were very enthusiastic about sending out letters informing them about regular checkups and reading materials for children, but I wonder if they lack the skills or are doing it commercially. I feel completely betrayed. If X-rays were taken and it was a misdiagnosis, I can't shake the suspicion that this is no longer a misdiagnosis, but an attempt to increase the number of visits to the hospital. I will never see the doctor again. Good at promotion In a sense, it is a successful clinic because you can only take reservations one month in advance. He was not a good dentist for me. Highly rated reviews highlight only the excellent customer service, including that of the staff. Of course, that is important, but it seems that many people mistakenly think that good customer service is a good dentist. I was like that too...

  • きな粉餅



    The people at the reception are very kind, and of course everyone who treats me listens to me, and the treatment doesn't hurt, so I'm really grateful to them for always taking care of me. It's not a bad place, but it's always popular, so you can't get reservations for the next few days! This is especially true on Saturdays. I think it's a little difficult for working people! But I thought it was worth the wait.

  • たかのそうだい



    I can't go there now because it's not convenient, but I highly recommend it. My teacher remembers me well. The women at the reception desk also work hard to the point where I would like to emulate their friendly nature. The hygiene and dentistry teachers are also friendly and talk to you. Just one thing. The turnover rate is poor. I think this is because people flock to a dentist with a good reputation!

  • NAje



    I was in trouble because my family dental clinic had closed. After comparing online reviews, systems, etc., I decided to make a reservation. At your first appointment, we will conduct a detailed and individual interview with you and kindly discuss your future treatment plans. Although it is the most important treatment, the gentle and kind director will take care of it with great care. As a result of patiently continuing to visit the hospital for issues such as my teeth and bite, which I had been concerned about for many years, my stiff shoulders and headaches were greatly relieved. Even after treatment, you will receive check-ups and care once every three months. The hygienists and receptionists are all very polite. Reservations are required, and we take your convenience into consideration. I'm glad I found this dental clinic.

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