Nakatsugawa Dental Clinic in Takanezawa

JapanNakatsugawa Dental Clinic



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2388-3 Hōshakuji, Takanezawa, Shioya District, Tochigi 329-1233, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 28-675-6480
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.6307368, Longitude: 139.9817229

kommentare 5

  • yas kkc

    yas kkc


    The waiting room and restrooms are clean, the teachers and staff are friendly, and the dental clinic has a great atmosphere 👍🏼 We have both male and female doctors who provide thorough examinations and treatment. The staff also gave me advice on brushing my teeth, and the condition of my gums has improved. He recommended treatment with ceramic and white veneers, and the aesthetics have improved 🙆‍♀️ If you make an appointment in advance, you will be able to see the doctor without having to wait too long. You will receive a letter for regular checkups, which is good for maintaining your oral environment. I think this is a recommended dental clinic 😄

  • 滝澤惠



    I had a doctor treat my painful tooth. Thank you very much 😊 I look forward to your continued support

  • Toshihiro Ogawa

    Toshihiro Ogawa


    We provide thorough examinations and treatment in a bright and cheerful hospital environment. If you have a reservation, there is almost no waiting time. Additionally, once you take care of us, you will receive postcards informing you of your regular checkups, so you can maintain your oral care awareness. This is a recommended dental clinic.

  • isoroku kobayashi

    isoroku kobayashi


    When it comes to dentistry, there are many cases where the treatment is dragged out unnecessarily, but here the treatment is completed within an appropriate period of time. Moreover, the treatment is accurate and I have not had any problems after the treatment. The doctor explains things well, and the receptionists, nurses, and receptionists are all very nice.

  • くぅちゃん



    The teachers were kind, so the children were able to open their mouths with confidence.

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