Nakamura Memorial Hospital en Sapporo

JapónNakamura Memorial Hospital


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14-chōme-291-190 Minami 1 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8570, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-231-8555
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Latitude: 43.0564768, Longitude: 141.3363869

comentarios 5

  • smile curry

    smile curry


    The situation did not improve for a year at another orthopedic clinic, but when I went to this clinic for the first time, I was diagnosed with a different diagnosis on the same day. Surgery was decided. I wish I had come here sooner. I had no idea that there was plastic surgery here, as I had an image of brain surgery. However, when I went to see a plastic surgeon, I was surprised to be told that this was an out-of-the-box problem, but it was strange and the result was okay. The first examination took over 6 hours, but I hope the surgery goes well. I think the construction of the hospital building is old. In Sapporo, JR Hospital, Keisukei Hospital, and various other facilities in the city are being relocated to new buildings, so this place will likely be no exception. I wonder if that will happen to Jiki. I hope that the hospital will be better for patients, easier for staff to work in, and have better conduct.

  • りきまる



    My son visited the hospital because his legs were hurting and he could no longer walk. The X-rays confirmed that there were no cracks, but why can't I walk? When I asked her, she said she didn't know because she was on duty at the hospital. If I can't walk tomorrow, I'll go to the pediatrician. LOL yes? It became Don't you have any specialized knowledge? Should I turn it around? Why pediatrics? It's just a question. The nurses took X-rays. The people were nice.

  • ホロ沼もっちもち



    It's really terrible. It's my first time at a hospital like this. Maybe it was because it was an emergency, but even though he was an orthopedic surgeon, he only examined the X-rays and determined that there was nothing abnormal. They didn't even try to touch me, and just told me to go home so they could give me painkillers. As expected, it's too licking. In my opinion, this is the most garbage hospital I have ever been to. I recommend that you be considerate and have your child examined at another hospital.

  • サムギョプサル



    The response from one nurse was very good, but everything else was negative. Go straight (I don't know where) and the only way to relieve the pain is with medicine (they haven't given me any medicine) I think it may have been an emergency, but they didn't even accept me at first. I will never go there again.

  • teen john

    teen john


    The nurses here are fantastic tt especially those from HCU they are very professional They are a really so attentive to your needs and before you tell them they will come over and ask you firs. They make phrase going the extra mile to a different level. My OT knew that was not able to to relieve myself on bed he decided to carry me onto a wheelchair and supported me through out to give a context I was a stroke patient here I stayed for two weeks Furthermore I learnt tt this hospital is Sapporo’s top neurologist hospital

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