Naha City Hospital Emergency Outpatient Department i Naha

JapanNaha City Hospital Emergency Outpatient Department


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2-chōme-31-1 Furujima, Naha, Okinawa 902-0061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 98-887-1199
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2268648, Longitude: 127.7099223

kommentar 5

  • ああ



    I don't want to give stars. I went to the emergency room, but the pediatrician's care It's so true that just remembering it makes me angry It was the worst. Even if I explain the symptoms, they just listen and tell me that I have a fever and a rash.What? What is your mother? Which one are you curious about? He asked me with a half-smile, and I didn't understand what he meant. Which one? It's decided either way! He was sent home without a proper diagnosis. I really won't go there again.

  • Pinkpup



    The pediatrician was so bad that I couldn't give her a star. I go there because it's so bad that my kids can't sleep, but they don't check me properly and just say, ``It's just a cold.'' I asked a question, and even though I answered it, I was told, ``This is an emergency room, not a consultation room.'' No one is coming because they want to come, right? What's the point in worrying about your child looking like he's in pain? How great are you that you talk down to people and don't listen to them? That's what I want to hear. It would be better to put up with the pain and go to the pediatrician's office instead of going to the emergency room here. But the nurse was really nice. When I complained about the doctor's inappropriate treatment, he apologized and said he was sorry. In the end, I was diagnosed with measles instead of a cold. There is also a limit to diagnostic errors. This happens because I don't listen to what others have to say. Even though I complained about redness and discharge from my eyes (one of the symptoms of measles), I was laughed at and said, ``The redness is just because you're crying right now.'' I want you to apologize.

  • なあさん



    I've been to the emergency room several times because I'm not feeling well, but I'm really bad at administering intravenous fluids and it's just pointless chatter. There was only one nurse who was kind to me, but the doctor asked new patients about their chronic illnesses in medical terms. Some of the doctors were intimidating, and tests revealed that the cause was unknown, so I went to another hospital and was saved.

  • nono



    My younger child was seen in an emergency. I'm a single mother and don't have any parents of my own, so I took my older child (8 years old) with me. He's going to be hospitalized, so please bring him home somehow. Call your friends or ex-husband and do something about it. It was the middle of the night, so no one could contact me... I was scared because I was threatened with asking to see my address book. Even the children were surprised. If you have someone you can rely on, rely on them, and please don't criticize them even though everyone's family environment is different.

  • しーちゃん



    My child developed a fever at night, so the pediatrician went to this 24-hour hospital! Since it was my first time, I followed the map and went from the monorail direction, but the guard warned me that it was the exit! The entrance is in the direction of the large parking lot (Healthy Pharmacy side)! !

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