開邦クリニック・研究所 i Naha




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Japan, 〒900-0024 Okinawa, Naha, Kohagura, 2-chōme−4−14 第 一 開 邦 ビル 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 98-832-3259
internet side: www.kaihou-clinic.jp
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Latitude: 26.2016853, Longitude: 127.6869339

kommentar 5

  • yuu nao

    yuu nao


    I received treatment for powdery mildew. From beginning to end, they were polite and kind, providing proper treatment and explanations, and the nurses also provided detailed explanations when I had questions, which was very helpful.

  • aju



    For the first time, I felt like my physical strength was decreasing. I got a garlic injection. Please call me after work I headed to the hospital, but no one answered the phone. In addition to the price of garlic injection for the first time, they are kind. There was also a clear explanation that there would be an initial consultation fee. It was my first time and I was nervous, but the receptionist also The teachers and nurses were also kind to me. There is a peculiar odor in the nose when the injection is given. Some people seem to feel sick The nurse will check to make sure you are okay. For a few days after the injection, my body felt revitalized and I felt good, so I would like to go again soon.

  • 龍 心

    龍 心


    I'm being treated with someone's "love"...it's healing.

  • ドン



    I used it because I needed a health certificate for joining the company! When I was in trouble because other hospitals were fully booked up to two months in advance, I called here and was told that tomorrow was OK! Then, I made a reservation in the afternoon and went as soon as the store opened at 2pm, and it took about 1 hour to finish without lining up! (*^▽^*) I had the impression that health checkups were long, but It was extremely fast and I was happy. Recommended for those who want to make a reservation right away and finish quickly ☆ However, since it was an old-fashioned hospital, I felt a bit embarrassed even though the urine test submission location was close to the restroom (lol). I do not recommend it for those who prefer manual vision testing or the latest version (^_^;) Everyone at the hospital was very nice, so I didn't feel uncomfortable! It's nice and kind! (*^▽^*) I was also surprised at how great it looked! It was so cute that I couldn't help but take a look at it! I'm sure you'll be happy if you have children. The 100 roses of happiness were also cute!

  • 中村哲也



    I had a super garlic injection. There was still a slight garlic smell, but I felt a little better and was satisfied.

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