Nagoya Naruko Post Office i Nagoya

JapanNagoya Naruko Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒458-0041 Aichi, Nagoya, Midori Ward, Narukochō, 1-chōme−55−4 名古屋鳴子郵便局
kontakter telefon: +81 52-891-4924
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.0968906, Longitude: 136.9676177

kommentar 5

  • syusui



    When I asked them questions over the phone in advance, and after I actually visited them, they were not too clerical, they explained things to me in a thorough and thorough manner, and they did their job efficiently. I had only used the mailbox or the counter outside of normal business hours, but I had a very good impression of the post office.

  • HARU稲妻



    “I empathize with the comments about the staff hitting the mark. It was scary >

  • saki naha

    saki naha


    ATMs are open from 9am on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • chan umi

    chan umi


    When I tried to return a name tag (badge) that I borrowed from a friend by regular mail, I was told that ``From January, you can no longer send items by regular mail.'' Once I took it home and consulted with a friend, he said he was able to send it normally. In the end, I sent it from another post office. The thickness was about 1.5cm because it was wrapped in cushioning material. So, what is non-standard size mail used for sending?

  • Natchy Ruinard

    Natchy Ruinard


    The staff will respond in a friendly manner. It's usually a post office in town.

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