Nagoya Honjin Post Office i Nagoya

JapanNagoya Honjin Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

21-8 Jūōchō, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 453-0035, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 52-471-9729
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1777791, Longitude: 136.8656029

kommentar 5

  • 喜び



    This is the worst post office with no knowledge. Every time I go, I send the same item, but each time I spend several minutes rummaging through files looking for it. After that, without any explanation, I said, ``No.'' The customer service and business handling are the worst. I will no longer use this store.

  • ゆずこっしゅ



    The staff made me wait for tens of minutes and I couldn't do it in the end. education is not good When a customer who is an acquaintance of a fat pink staff member comes over, she talks a lot and just relaxes. I felt at home without any help from the staff. I went to another post office and was able to complete the procedure easily. This post office has poor staff! Ursai Because it's true!

  • K K55

    K K55


    There's only one Japan Post ATM outside, so there's always a line of elderly people. Too inconvenient.

  • 高橋のぞみ



    I used the post office. If it turns out that you can't send the item using the first shipping method, instead of saying, ``It can't be helped,'' I would like you to suggest another method first. There are people like me who don't know about the existence of delivery methods other than Yu-Pack (Letter Pack, Yu-Packet, etc.). Even though I was in a hurry, I didn't know what to do and was very confused. Also, wouldn't it be better to just say "thank you" after paying? The old woman working part-time was extremely unfriendly, but I thought it was a good idea to work in the service industry. The staff at the counter next door seemed to be giving detailed explanations.

  • 村崎智美



    Even though I work at a post office, the staff at the post office don't know much about it for some reason. What's more, they understand that they made a mistake and keep pushing forward, so they have to make up for it. When I requested redelivery, it was left untouched for a week. I forgot that the request was made and tried to pretend it never happened. It doesn't make sense what they are doing even though they have paper evidence. The reprocessing of forgotten re-deliveries is also cumbersome and slow. Even though I said I'd come back tomorrow because I didn't have time, for some reason I completely ignored him and continued with my work. There are really only garbage employees. If it is privatized, I would like them to cut out the incompetence and hire more decent people.

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