Nagoya Kanko Hotel w Nagoya

JaponiaNagoya Kanko Hotel


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-19-30 Nishiki, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-8608, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 52-231-7711
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1687843, Longitude: 136.8955195

komentarze 5

  • YF Poon

    YF Poon


    Helpful staff . The beds were comfortable and the bedroom slippers comfy . it’s one stop to the shopping area and one stop to JR nagoya . Convenient

  • Mike Jin

    Mike Jin


    DO NOT STAY HERE: The worst of the worst. Disgusting bathroom, full of moudy smell, the bathtub was stained and yellow. Makes me nauseous taking a shower in there. Totally unacceptable for 300 dollars a night. The room was very dirty, tons of hair by the window when we checked in. Stained carpet. The pajamas also had stains! The bed was very firm and totally uncomfortable. Disgusting! It also felt less than 30 sq m and much much smaller. Breakfast was chaotic and crowded, tables were close together and service was non-existent. Extremely dismissive and rude Air conditioning was beyond weak and our room felt insanely hot. Nothing works. The room was boiling while it was 27 degrees outside. The staff is the worst of the worst. We’ve never had worse service in Japan ever. No one greeted us, we were ignored all the time when staff sees us, no one took our luggage when we got out of the taxi. We had to take the luggage ourselves up even after check in. Staff barely smiled at all and never even said hello. Can you imagine walking through the lobby and reception etc while always being ignored, not even a nod? Simply disgraceful. This hotel is no longer acceptable to use, has totally fallen. Nowadays it couldn’t even call itself a 4 star hotel. Gross. Would never ever ever stay here again.

  • 振恺



    Good place to stay. Hotel lobby very nicely decorated. Breakfast was great too. Room a little smaller, everything is good overall.

  • Kevin Beazley

    Kevin Beazley


    Fabulous hotel, staff were first class and rooms excellent. Location is also very good due to near the subway. Lovely large relaxing area on second floor.

  • Edmund Wee

    Edmund Wee


    Service is what i would expect of Japanese hospitality - top-notch. They replenish my water every single day. This hotel is respectful to the hotel guest unlike the lower-end hotel chains in Japan such as APA or Keihan that cut costs on the pretext of conservation. This hotel is a gem in terms of customer service.

najbliższy Kwatera

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