Nagoya City University East Medical Center in Nagoya

JapanNagoya City University East Medical Center



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1-chōme-2-23 Wakamizu, 千種区 Nagoya, Aichi 464-8547, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 52-721-7171
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1738983, Longitude: 136.9436445

kommentare 5

  • 次郎羅毛



    I had to wait for 4 hours, and the only appointment I could get was the next appointment. picture? In that case, wouldn't it be better to work at an administrative level? I recommend a hospital in the suburbs. It seems that I came to a public elderly care facility by mistake.

  • kazu king

    kazu king


    Visit the emergency department The results of the investigation Right mandibular condyle fracture, Left mandibular body fracture Left eye fundus fracture I was diagnosed with. The next day, I went to the outpatient department for neurosurgery, ophthalmology, Visited otorhinolaryngology, dental and oral surgery, After that, I was hospitalized for surgery. I decided to get early treatment. Hospitalization for the first time in my life I had surgery I feel anxious about everything It was full. But I have the support of many people. The surgery was successful, Safely discharged from hospital to welcome it is complete. That's also oral surgery. Thanks to my teacher. ! He devoted himself to treatment and rehabilitation. Oral surgery teachers, I'm really thankful to you. Thank you very much for the 24 days. Dear ward nurses on the 6th floor, I'm really thankful to you. Thank you for all your help.

  • Mitsuyuki Horie

    Mitsuyuki Horie


    I'm a 74 year old man. A suspected left iliac artery aneurysm was discovered at the Medical Association Medical Examination Center, and the patient was referred to Tobu Medical Center. Artificial blood vessel replacement surgery was selected under the supervision of Dr. Shunta Hayakawa and under the judgment of a team of doctors including Hideki Sasaki, Shinji Kamiya, and Yukihide Numata. During this time, I received detailed explanations regarding my various questions and concerns, and I was convinced that I was going to entrust my life to this doctor before undergoing surgery. The results of the 5-hour surgery, which required no blood transfusions, far exceeded my expectations, and there are currently no complications, which truly saved my life. I have nothing but gratitude to the team of doctors. Thank you very much. I can only express my gratitude to you for connecting the hopes of not only me but my entire family.

  • 中島明広



    The hospital remains in a lukewarm state. I called at 11am and it was about 5 minutes before I arrived, so I was given an emergency response, then an inexperienced doctor took care of the blood test, I waited for a CT scan for 4 hours, and I didn't hear anything.The nurse failed to administer the IV drip and it didn't go away at all. . We will respond only after you talk to us. It still sucks. I didn't have a good doctor, so I decided to look elsewhere. The cause is unclear. I had a fever of 38.7 degrees Celsius for 4 days and was extremely depressed. You should quit such a doctor who is full of crap!

  • マウスピース



    This time, my family will be taking care of me. I received very pleasant treatment at Yagoto JRCS, so the bar for comparison was too high. I visited after making a reservation, but the examination started two hours late. I don't think I'll be on time because I think there are various circumstances, but being two hours late is to be expected... And there's no explanation. Furthermore, the doctor had suddenly changed, which was very disappointing given my experience at Yagoto JRCS. I had the impression that the nurses' response and encouragement were nowhere near as good as the Yagoto Red Cross. Everyone seems to have high individual abilities. On the other hand, there seemed to be no horizontal connections or cooperation. It was a very slow hospital in terms of time, such as from the time the patient in front finished their examination until the next person was called, and until the accounting department was called. The building was very beautiful and magnificent.

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