Kamiiida daiichi General hospital in Nagoya

JapanKamiiida daiichi General hospital


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2-chōme-70 Kamiiida Kitamachi, Kita Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0802, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 52-991-3111
webseite: www.kamiiida-hp.jp
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Latitude: 35.2051185, Longitude: 136.9312901

kommentare 5

  • thu trang

    thu trang


    I injured my finger and went to the emergency room. Since it was a holiday, the counter was closed, so I deposited 5,000 yen as a deposit. A young female doctor was in charge and asked only about the condition without removing the bandage or looking closely at the affected area. That amount was almost a deposit. I was told that it was because I didn't have a letter of introduction.

  • pitareon



    I am being seen by Dr. Terumi Manabe at the obstetrics and gynecology department. They are very thorough in their medical examinations. Even during a pelvic exam, the patient will ask you kindly, ``Are you okay? Doesn't it hurt?'' I've seen it about three times, and I already think it's very reliable. Also, I always go to this hospital for my health checkups, and the staff at the health checkup center are very responsive. The hospital itself is large and there are a lot of people, so there is a bit of a wait at the checkout, but other than that I have no complaints.

  • n e

    n e


    The other day, my son went in for an MRI. They kindly called out to my son who was crying a lot due to loud noises and patiently waited until he calmed down. Another nurse greeted me with a smile when I took the CT scan. It was our first test and we were both anxious, but we were helped by everyone's kindness. Thank you very much ^_^

  • るい(るい)



    An image of many people yelling and complaining. It's true that you don't know when you'll be called or how many minutes later, so it's easy to be tied up in the same place. This may be difficult for people who have to undergo examinations in other departments. As a hospital with a large system, this may be a concern. However, they will communicate with other departments by phone, so they will let you know if department 〇〇 can be called first. Also, what my family didn't know is that they wouldn't be called in until all test results were received. It seems like it's too late if you show up at the scheduled time. I don't like the long wait time, so I'm thinking of asking the doctor if I can go to a nearby hospital.

  • かりん



    Today, I went to this hospital with a referral letter and was examined by the breast department. Normally, if you had a referral letter, the hospital you went to would make an appointment for a test instead of a consultation, so I didn't know that and ended up making an appointment for just the appointment myself. (The hospital I was attending asked me to make an appointment myself.) I had to wait for 2 hours, probably because it was my first time, but since I was a little sleepy, I didn't get irritated and went to see the doctor. during medical examination It was an hour and a half away to the hospital. The teacher I'm sorry to have you come again. Normally, I would have made a reservation for the test, but it can't be helped that the hospital I was going to didn't make a reservation for the test, and as the date gets closer, I'm sure I'm worried about where I want to be tested, so today's time is It would take a while, but he looked around at the other patients and said he would test me by the evening! I was also diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time. I had been worried about this for a long time, so I was very happy to see the prompt response. I was worried because I had read the reviews on Google, but they talked to me during the test to distract me, and they were extremely kind and responsive, making me feel at ease even though it was my first time doing the test. Even after the test You gave an easy to understand explanation. I would get the test results at the hospital I went to, but if I had any concerns, they told me to come see them. The best thing is that the result is nothing. I felt that this is the hospital that I would want to take care of if something were to happen. After, I liked the coffee shop♪ Old-fashioned emotional coffee shop The sandwich and coffee were delicious! Also I want to go to a coffee shop (lol) If you are going to this hospital, please try the sandwich at the coffee shop!

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