Nagayoshi General Hospital en Osaka

JapónNagayoshi General Hospital


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1-chōme-2-34 Nagayoshi Nagahara, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0016, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6709-0301
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Latitude: 34.606443, Longitude: 135.567704

comentarios 5

  • いこやんしゅう(いこしゅう)



    Most otorhinolaryngology clinics nearby are closed on Wednesdays, so I called and came in. I arrived around 10:30 a.m. It was fairly crowded, but there was no waiting time, and I was in pain, so I asked them to give me antibiotics and gentamicin, and Googled it. As you can see from the search, many of the doctors and patients are elderly, so isn't 1,350 yen for the consultation and medicines quite cheap? It's convenient because there is an in-hospital pharmacy, and I did the usual reception and accounting, but I wonder why the reviews are so bad?

  • Uj Q

    Uj Q


    There is no common sense. They give out personal information in a loud voice. I can really hear it from other people. Also, don't give me any medicine. It's probably 〇〇, so what is probably? What should I do if my condition worsens due to the wrong medicine? It hasn't healed yet and it's still painful. Why is it coming back in 3 days? I can't go to this place anymore. The worst part is that it took money and time. Other diseases are better. A bad doctor.

  • moko moko

    moko moko


    I was asking for injury and sickness benefits, but I received a phone call saying that they couldn't write. I called the hospital again on the next day, but the person at the reception desk said they couldn't write because I hadn't taken the day off as per the doctor's instructions. This is just one point that I don't know as I am not accepting any other detailed information. When I asked if it was possible to speak to the doctor, he said that he only comes once a week in the afternoon, so the only option is for him to come in person at that time, and that he cannot accept phone calls because he has a doctor's appointment. I went to see the doctor even when my symptoms were at their worst, and the doctor told me that if my coughing and asthma symptoms continued any longer, I would break my ribs, but I can't accept that you can't write about it, and it's mentally painful. is. I'm planning to visit the doctor again and consult directly, but I work at a call center and there's no way I can work if I can't stop coughing and can't even talk, but if they say they haven't given me any instructions, then this is the worst hospital. I think.

  • 深江了



    You can see staff cleaning the area early in the morning. The flowerbeds at the entrance are also beautifully kept, making it clear that the hospital is rooted in the community. The inside of the hospital has also been renovated in the past few years, and it no longer has the old image it once had. This is a hospital that I hope will continue to do well in the future.

  • a obmoric

    a obmoric


    Reviews are bad. But I guess it depends on what you're looking for. Isn't the most important thing is to want to cure the so-called disease? I wonder if the handover is bad... Nurses and doctors are humans too. Isn't it impossible to match each individual's wishes? Furthermore, what made you think that the nurses were treating you poorly? It wasn't a serious illness, was it? He was really kind to me, to the point where I was really persistent. I know a little bit about medicine, so I learned a lot about my illness. The doctor here prescribes the medicine after explaining it to you, assuming that you do not understand the medical science. This is important; no matter how much a patient studies, he or she can't compete with a doctor. He carefully explained my opinion. However, elderly doctors tend to ignore these opinions, read ahead, and cut out various tests based on their own experience. And then it's too late. I remember that Ichiro Furudate's older sister passed away. gun. I believe this is a book called ``Big Sister's Tricycle,'' which is about a local doctor who overlooked a cancer that could have been saved. It's a sad story. Well, there are a lot of outpatient doctors who work abroad. The three people I know in the internal medicine outpatient department are good doctors. Previously, the wait time was comparable to that of a city university, but now that reservations are required, the wait time is about 30 minutes. It's gotten better. Oh, it's so hard. I forgot the most important thing. The outpatient doctor is a good-looking guy (Jururu) Oh yeah. The female doctor is also beautiful. Although it's a little inferior to me. Hehe...

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